Monday, 8 February 2016

Healthy And Best Diet

In search of healthy Diet

Actually, there is no one ideal diet that can serve as a guide for everyone , because it will depend on the characteristics of each person (age, sex, body type, etc.) and their lifestyle (sedentary, active, etc.).
But it has established a universal criterion as regards the type and right amounts of foods that make up a daily diet , and covering the nutritional and energy needs of all people enjoy a stable health : we speak of the "power balanced " .
Are seven the vital components in which food based and have to be part of our daily diet: fats , vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, water and fiber (these two latter do not feed, but are essential when our body to function properly). Thanks to the combination of all these nutrients, we will enjoy a state of optimal health .
With the aim to cover each and every one of our nutritional needs , we eat foods that encompass within these five categories :
Bread, cereals, legumes and pasta: eat rice twice a week and if it is comprehensive, the better; in terms of bread(preferably whole and unrefined), you should eat about 30 grams a day; the legumes , three times a week; it is advisable not to overdo the paste and ideally consume twice a week, if possible, to be integral.
Fruits: is advisable to eat four pieces of fruit a day, directly or in juices.
Vegetables: two servings of vegetables, one in the morning and one at night (one of them, if possible, raw);potatoes, roasted or boiled, never fried.
- Meat, fish, eggs and other protein sources: the flesh (clean fat) and fish in portions of 150 g, three to four times a week. As for the eggs , more than four per week.
Dairy products: milk, cheese, yogurt, curd, etc.


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