Friday 12 February 2016

Keys To Argue With Your Partner On Holiday

Keys to argue with your partner on holiday

Did you know that 1 in 3 divorces occur after the summer? The holiday becomes a test of the relationship for many couples.
We spend all year waiting for the arrival of the holidays to enjoy a few days relaxing with our partner . However, these idyllic holiday can become a test of the relationship that many fail to overcome. The shock of spending 24 hours together brings out the differences and couples who have accumulated tensions during the year may burst into fights and arguments over these days that can lead even to think about separation .


  • Choose the destination. Beach or mountains? A quiet place or environmentIs repeating vacation or try a new destination? The destinations are infinite and agree on the vacation spot is often the first point of discussionBoth must show how you would like them to be this holiday season and try to find the place that has what both you seek.
  • The economy. Choosing a vacation according to your economy. The two must make it clear how much you can and want to spend this holiday for ajustaros to that budget.
  • Plans. It is normal to be not the same all over and I like to do exactly the same and in the same way in your free time. Maybe one prefers to sleep to rest and the other early to seize the day, one would like to spend hours in the sun on the beach and the other prefers to visit new places, etc. There is time for everything and do what we both want, you only need to be tolerant and make a planing of your vacation days to deliver the plans of both and so do not go away from this vacation with the feeling of not having done what you wanted .In addition, you do not spend 24 hours together, it is healthy separately devote some time to do what you do like, but the other did not. Sure around you have things to tell you and you will feel better if the other party that you have accompanied "under compulsion".
  • Not the routine. Make this holiday memorable with a different plan that will always remain in memory. Open your mind and plans always reserve for the winter. Carried away by the time: apuntaros a class sailing, canoeing and surfing, going to an animal park, watch the fireworks from a boat ... When cast ye sight back and remember those fun good times together.
  • Family. The main reason for divorce, infidelity above, often conflicts with in-laws.On vacation this problem are traveling alone or in company. Carrying grandfather, children or traveling with in-laws can be a big conflict if the two sides disagree. You can split your holiday and book a week for the two of us and another to be accompanied. Balance is always good. Try to find a conciliatory solution, for example, when you viajéis with other people always set time to enjoy alone plans pleasant couple and share your feelings every day.
  • Children. On holidays children spend more time at home. So that the kids do not get bored should find them some entertainment, for example, sports or camp. So you also can enjoy your free time. 
  • The roles. During labor and social routine is set as a clock that sets the pace for the couple and makes the role of each part is well defined and learned. But on vacation everything changes and you need to redistribute daily duties because now you're both free and want to enjoy equally. In addition it is well spent on each thing just in time to enjoy the day of what is really important, "live" moment.


The first thing to do to not spoil your holiday as a couple is thinking positively . Relax and enjoy . You've been working hard all year, complaining about your fast pace of life and do not have time ... Now you are on holiday you'll ruin "putting sulking"? Change the chip and try to take all the positives of each detail in order to enjoy the good of your partner. A conflict, take a deep breath before screaming and think, is it really so important to get to argue and spoil this wonderful vacation day? Learn to speak your mind without attacks or criticisms and listening to the other.


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