Friday 5 February 2016

Food Migraine

Food Migraine

To prevent migraine should analyze what factors desecadenan these pain crises to avoid them as food, it can be a symptom of a possible food intolerance as histamine.
More than 5 million Spaniards suffer from migraine, a disabling disorder that affects about 13% of the population between 18 and 65 , mostly women. 2%, almost a million suffer chronic migraines, which means they have headaches more than 15 days per month.
What is migraine?
It is a crisis of pain (usually in one or both temples) from 4 to 72 hours. The person is forced to leave their habitual activity or at least limit, the duration of the pain. Often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, hypersensitivity or discomfort with light and noise.
Factors that can trigger a migraine:
It is advisable to avoid situations of stress or anxiety, intense smells like snuff or temperature changes. Insufficient sleep or interrupted, some foods and drinks.
Food migraine: 
A good tip is to make a list of foods that you think may be triggers for your migraines.Therefore, we list some foods  high in tyramine, histamine, or phenolic phenilalanina flavonides.  Chocolates, boiled and fermented, smoked cheeses, citrus, red meat, sausage, bacon or ham. Also seafood, red wine and beer, caffeine and alcohol.

In addition, food additives used to spice taste like olives, wines, canned fish or sauces and confectionery, bakery or pastry.  If you have already established food appear to be triggers your migraines, remove them from the diet or at least consumes less  over a period of time to see how you respond. 

Moreover, we give you some tips to prevent it:

Eating healthfully a well balanced diet including eggs, fruits and vegetables, whole grains and protein quality. Take lots of vegetables dark green containing vitamin B. Eat foods rich in magnesium such as nuts , almonds, cashews, whole grains, wheat germ, soybeans and various vegetables.  Take an infusion of flowers of lavender , which is relaxing and analgesic. In the morning and before bedtime, take an infusion of lemon balm, meadowsweet and rosemary in equal shares.
No you skip meals, especially breakfast. Starving can cause migraine. Eat small amounts but frequently to prevent falls abruptly.
You should be well hydrated . Drink plenty of water.
Avoid caffeine. Caffeine is one of the most common culprit suspected cause headaches. Like all other triggers, it affects some people and not others significantly affect them at all. If you take caffeine regularly do not retire abruptly because you could cause headaches.
Reduce alcohol consumption. Many migraine sufferers say that alcohol in general, may trigger pain, nausea and other symptoms common to suffer migraines that last several days. If necessary,  avoid drinking alcohol altogether.
In addition to food is highly recommended to perform exercise and hydrate properly.Avoid stress and dry air. If you experience one migraine attack , the friction of the temples with lavender oil, will ease the pain.


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