Monday, 8 February 2016

Lose Weight Fast and Safely

Volume Loss Diet

Diet to reduce volume . Eliminates toxins and fat with a diet of soft foods and diuretics.
An excessive consumption of fats and proteins resulting in an increase in body volume. But it has an invisible result: the formation of "cellular garbage" or toxins that must be removed. It's time to lighten the work of the liver and digestive system who have worked in excess.
Reduce volume means not only lose some fat accumulated but also to remove fluid accumulated, but above all the toxins and free radicals that have been stored in the body. If we do not remove this garbage is much easier to appear various problems such as aging premature skin or wrinkles.
You must also eliminate the cumulative calories and cleanse your body of toxins. It is essential to get a good hydration to "sweep" all the accumulated garbage. To achieve this we must turn to a food based on food from the land , it is rather soft , spread over 5 meals a day , with plenty of fluids . Practice this diet  for at least one week .

Allies and prohibited foods to lose volume

  • YES. You must eat lots of fruit, vegetables, tea and water (2 liters a day). Eat daily fruits and vegetables diuretic: watermelon, melon, grapes, artichokes, broccoli, pears , cherries and pineapple .
  • NO. Consume little meat, sausage, pre-cooked, breaded, battered, etc. Reduce consumption of coffee (it tends to dehydrate), sweet, sugar, fat or whole milk and meat (better semi or skimmed) derivatives.

Final Words

I Am MBBS student If you need any kind of information about Health,You can Contact Me,


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