Friday 12 February 2016

Tips for stress

Tips for stress

Stress is a natural reaction that manifests our body when faced with an unfamiliar situation, a problem or if we can not control everything that happens around us.
It affects a greater or lesser extent everyone at different levels and included in the genetic code of each individual. It is an unconscious process in which the brain generates a series of chemical reactions in order to flee the situation that upsets or stress. The problem is generated when we can not get rid of it, keeping it within ourselves and suffering the so-called "chronic stress" .

Stress symptoms

  • Dolores head frequently.
  • Insomnia or inability to sleep properly.
  • Irritability .
  • Frequent changes in body weight .
  • Lack of concentration .
  • Feelings of frustration and inability to make decisions.
  • Problems gastrointestinal .
  • Palpitations, tachycardia, etc.
Anti-stress tips
  • We must try to control emotions , do not fret any circumstance that is out of the ordinary. Do not waste time worrying about insignificant issues . In addition, you should share your concerns or problems with others, not keep them to yourself.
  • It is desirable to perform any physical activity , you relax physically and mentally, so we can reorganize our minds and forget about aspects of our lives that we generate stress.
  • Avoid as much as possible the consumption of substances that can sharpen our problem, read caffeine, nicotine , drugs or other drugs not prescribed by our doctor.
  • Follow a healthy and balanced diet , make a good breakfast, avoid heavy meals and chew slowly.
  • Try ordering your routine and avoid disruption , taking the problems with humor and without overwhelmed.
  • Take some time for yourself , develop relaxation exercises like yoga or walking outdoors with your pet giving affection and ignoring our problems.
  • Sleep well. One of the key factors to be in good spirits is sleepThe sleep is a great anti-depressant, do not take off hours of rest. Help yourself with a relaxing infusion of lime, lemon balm or valerian or a glass of milk with honey at bedtime.


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