Monday 8 February 2016

Cleansing And Antioxidant Strawberry

Cleansing and antioxidant strawberry

Strawberries and health benefits . This delicious fruit in addition to refreshing and cleansing is full of water, vitamins and minerals.
If you want to cleanse the body this spring test to make a cure of strawberries for two days. Discover its magnificent properties .
Properties of strawberries
  • They contain a lot of water, and after this, his most important component is the carbohydrates, although their calorie content is very low , only provides 30 calories per 100 grams, making it a perfect fruit to accompany a slimming cleansing diet. 
  • It provides enough fiber (pectin) that helps regulate intestinal transit.
  • It is an antioxidant fruit because it is rich in vitamin C , it contains more than oranges and vitamin E . It also contains smaller amounts of vitamin B group (B1, B2, B3 and B6) amounts.
  • Its beta carotene are friends of the heart and help care for cardiovascular health .
  • As for the minerals include calcium and magnesium balance nerve impulses addition of iodine, phosphorus, iron and potassium.
  • It contains folic acid , essential in the production of red blood cells and antibody formation, citric acid disinfectant and urine alkalizing; and salicylic acid , anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory.
  • Cleansing. The act especially strawberries and remove accumulated uric acid. It is recommended for cases of gout and arthritis, hypertension and liver problems as it regulates these functions.
Cura 2 days with strawberries
  • It takes two days 2 kilos of strawberries divided into three doses a day. You can take them alone or accompanied with orange juice and chopped or beaten mixed with nonfat plain yogurt. 
  • During these two days, to give the body a break, take only free of fats and sugars light food. You can accompany other cleansing strawberries fruits (pineapple, orange, grapefruit, papaya, they ...), salads and light vegetables like celery, artichokes, beets .... Drink plenty of water, juices and teas. Thus shall you cleanse it without starving.

Final Words

I Am MBBS student If you need any kind of information about Health,You can Contact Me,


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