Monday 1 February 2016

Chicken Eggs Benefits For Health

Chicken Eggs For Health 

Benefits. Egg has become one of the basic needs for humans, either as the fulfillment of the daily nutritional requirements or as a fulfillment / use other things. Because as we all know, the oval produced by poultry or birds is indeed a lot of benefits to humans, whether for food daily consumption, the ingredients to make a cake, the ingredients to make dishes, there are use to increase stamina and vitality, or even da who use it as a mask to add beauty and skin health.

The eggs themselves are actually many types of commonly utilized by humans, including telu duck, chicken eggs, quail eggs and others. Even though humans do not only utilize eggs derived from poultry animals only, no fish eggs and turtle eggs. But this time we will discuss about poultry eggs, chicken eggs to be exact. Because of the many eggs, eggs ayamlah most widely used by humans.

Chicken eggs is legendary for the community, because they have a very high protein content plus the price is cheap enough so that it can be reached by all circles of society. Especially for children boarding cheap and nutritious. For more details about the nutrient content will be discussed below:

Nutritional Content of Eggs

Part of chicken eggs that can be consumed is 99%, the energy content of 162 kcal, 12.8 g protein, 11.5 g fat, 0.7 g carbohydrate content, calcium content of 54 mg, 180 mg phosphorus, iron content 3 mg, vitamin A 900 IU, vitamin B1 0.1 mg, vitamin C 0 mg.

Benefits Chicken Eggs

Helps Brain Development

Egg yolk is a source of B-complex vitamins and choline are known to assist the nervous system. Choline also
help brain development in the fetus when consumed by a pregnant woman.

Triggering Rasa Bahagia

Besides good for fetal brain development, choline is contained in the yolk can also trigger a sense of happiness. Drew Ramsey, a psychiatrist who specialized diet study said, when ingested by the body, choline will turn into substance happy to help the production of hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and norephinephrine.

Eye health

For those who want to keep your eyes healthy. Can begin to consume the eggs. Because carotenoids are no dikuning eggs, particularly the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanhin, very beneficial to the health of the eye. According to the researchers, this Carotenoids, which is a colored pigment that gives the yellow color of egg yolk, can reduce the risk of age-related disease and cataracts degenertion. This substance acts as an antioxidant for the eyes, fight free radicals that can damage parts of the retina that can affect the ability of the eye to focus.

Eliminating Acne

Acne is definitely very disturbing your appearance. Especially if you are an employee or a person who works must keep up appearances and meeting with clients directly. Of course this is a serious problem that you have. It turned out the eggs can be used for menghilngkan acne. The trick with egg white facialkan on facial acne that is inflamed and make the skin softer and firmer.

Keeping Healthy Permanent Weight Loss

Eggs are the best source of complete protein that contains all essential amino acids for the human body. They help control the rate at which the body absorbs calories. When managing your weight, you should choose foods that memberikanjumlah maximum nutrition with as little as the amount of calories. Eggs are great nutritional value for those trying to lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight.

That was the information we summarized from various sources about the benefits of eggs for health, that information may be useful for you.

Final Words

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