Friday 12 February 2016

Guidelines For Setting Goals Effectively

Four guidelines for setting goals effectively

Our coach home Azucena Caballero leads us to set realistic goals and overcome these four guidelines to set goals effectively . 
There are many people who intend to carry out certain changes in your life, you say to yourself that you will make a change or have a new habit, but soon put aside their objectives and these are quickly blurred. Today I will give you four guidelines will help you set goals more effective :

1. Personal

Do not just write down the goals you want to accomplish. Write the reasons why you feel the need to reach . There is a big difference between having a desire to do something and feel real passion for doing something. Want to lose weightWhy?Because you want to look prettier or because you want to live a healthier and longer life with your children and grandchildren? Do you see the difference? It is very important to be clear about why it is necessary to achieve your goals. By having clear your motive is much easier to stay focused and working toward your goals.

2. A long term

Do not just think about what this quarter or this year ahead, projected life you want to have in the future . This forces you to think big. This way you'll get goals that you can reach in a few weeks, months or a year, but all this will be part of something bigger, greater vision, your target medium and long term. And every time you need something in your priority lists you may wonder whether or not you closer to your goal, your real objective, the largest, which allows you to draw the appropriate way.

3. Achievable

Just as it is necessary to establish long-term goals, which are temporarily out of reach,you need to set short-term goals that are achievable . Everyone has desires, but the desire becomes a target when you have a plan to back. That is the importance of setting goals that you can cross off your list. In your plan to achieve long-term goals, it is necessary to establish milestones that can be achieved more easily and allow to track your progress. Every great mountain rises slowly.

4. Non-Negotiable

All those who have achieved their dreams have had that moment in which they happen to draw a line and pass it, it considers that came the defining moment of change. They crossed the line, grabbed the new and advanced. It can be in any field of lifetime. For example, the scene where a mother is surrounded by clutter, overflowing her house, even though it has tried to share household chores with your partner has not finished work, and feel depressed and overwhelmed.

You have three options: to divorce and find another person with whom to share his life and to ensure that other clear out and will continue all his life because it is a priority for that person, sinking into poverty and becoming depressed or that she it will take control of your life and to gain the home you want, without further discussion or fighting with anyone just because they have visions or different priorities for the home, while, or certain things while important, can also be superfluous. 
Planted, it takes over, make an action plan for it to fit your needs and gets to go keeping your home slowly without stress, no drama, sees that she owns her time, your space, you feel stronger and more powerful, and realizes that she does what you want.He made a decision, promised herself and succeeded. 
And as in this example, you can take control of your debts, your work, your projects ... a thousand things. But you need to cross the line and decide what your goal is not negotiable. You'll get him or yes and advance firmly in that direction, stumbling at times, but always constant, knowing that only perseverance will take you to your goal.Have you ever felt that time?
When you establish your goals think that is the way to transform your life , remember and stand firm.

Final Words

I Am MBBS student If you need any kind of information about Health,You can Contact Me,


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