Friday, 5 February 2016

Best Food For Brain

Brain Food,brain anatomy 

Food for the brain . Nourishes neurons with foods that help revitalize the memory, concentration and learning.
From age 30 we lose about 1,000 neurons a day and so the brain ages slowly and memoria. he has nothing to do with brain size. Albert Einstein had a brain of just over 1,350 grams less than average but better used.
The  Brain is like a muscle , the more you exercise and better feeds greater its capacity and memory. The best way to prevent memory impairment is well feed the brain and keep it active with varied reading, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, learning a new skill, an instrument, a language ... We can also help our brain exercise regularly and it has been found that there is a relationship between exercise and creating new neural connections , and helps preserve the frontal lobe which is where most aging and memory loss are accused.
Our lifestyle and diet greatly influence our brain capacity, especially in children. And in older, studies have shown that consumption of fruits and vegetables protects them from memory loss.
Brain food
Although the brain weighs only 1.4 kg, 2% of body weight, consumes nearly 20% of the energy we bring to the body. Their staple foods are oxygen and glucose so we must always bear in an amount of blood glucose between 70 and 120 mg per 100 ml of blood.
But not just any sugar. The simple sugar pastries, sugary soft drinks, candy, etc., only served in small quantities; in fact, if we take a lot of these foods can dehydrate neurons (water loss). Candy abuse among children lso can cause you do not concentrate well at school. Best sugars , the best fuel for our brain, are slowly absorbed into the bloodstream, and those from bread, potatoes, vegetables or pasta . Grains such as oats. vitamibna rich in thiamine or B1,
Besides oxygen and glucose brain needs fat. 30% of the brain at least is fat, but saturated fat , particularly omega 6 and omega 3 essential to protect and train the brain cells. Therefore it is essential to use every day olive oil and often, nuts and oily fish . Studies show that people who eat 3 times a week oily fish have a lower intellectual and emotional impairment against people who do not (win 4-5 years).
  • Allies food. Sign up for foods rich in vitamin B as skim milk, turkey and eggs whose yolk has lecithin, vitamins (A, E, D and B) and minerals. The raisins also help improve memory and your nuggets contain a very good for the brain oil. Grains such as oats , rich in vitamin B1 and protein helps the nervous system and improves short-term memory. Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants like carrots (beta-carotene) and blueberries (rich in vitamin C and potassium) activate enzymes that protect neurons and improve long-term memory. 
  • Plants that promote memory. Ginkgo biloba is a plant with vasodilator properties, improves cerebral blood circulation. The Bacopa monnieri is another plant that enhances nerve transmission encouraging learning, memory and concentration. The rosemary contains substances such as diterpenes, tannins, flavonoids and certain oils that promote blood flow and supply of neurons facilitating concentration and memory.
  • Harmful foods. Over 3 times daily coffee (caffeine), tea (protein), chocolate (rich in theobromine), sugary soft drinks, ginseng ... These products do not nourish and feed the brain but also increase their "working speed ". They can block other nutrients as among the sugars in colas and vitamin B1.

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