Saturday, 6 February 2016

Celiac, Tips For Eating Out

Celiac, tips for eating out

Gluten-free diet for celiac away . Tips for people with gluten intolerance care of their food when eating away from home.
Increasingly known establishments that are conscious about the gluten-free diet and resort to FACE for information and training in this regard. However, there is still ignorance in the general population, both on celiac disease and about foods that contain gluten, so the celiac you may pose a serious problem when you see the need to eat outside the home: dining school and companies or groups, restaurants, hotels, catering, aircraft, hospitals ...
In school or daycare
Once celiac at school children enrolled , management, teachers and those responsible for kitchen and dining room should know that there is a celiac student at school and should be informed about what is celiac disease and what is a diet without gluten. Celiac associations can provide written to deliver at school or daycare information.
If you plan to leave your child to eat in the center , first make sure that you can ensure a diet without gluten. In nurseries or kindergartens this is usually easier because of the small number of students and because the meals are mainly based on natural products and fresh purees. 
At school they should take into account a number of aspects:
  • If the room has its own kitchen is convenient for the cook / to meet with the parents of celiac child to agree on a gluten-free menu. In the case of celiac child, you should adapt the menu, to the extent possible, to other children, while recalling that a part of their Education consite to know that there are certain foods you have to eat differently than others (bread, pasta, etc).
  • If the dining room is managed by an outside company or catering is desirable that the school management contact the / dietitian emrpesa and / or the quality department to find out if they provide gluten-free meals with sufficient guarantees, and if so, request in writing that menu and check with celiac or celiac child's parents.
Excursions, children's camps ...
If celiac hiking with the school is important that those responsible for developing the menu (usually based snacks and sandwiches) contact with the parents of celiac so that they provide them with the following information:
  • Gluten-free brands allowed: bread, biscuits, snacks ...
  • Brands of sausage, nuts and chocolate without gluten.
You can prepare a menu based on:
  • Omelette
  • omelet with asparagus, nice, mushrooms ...
  • Cheeses, Ball, Edam, Gouda ..
  • Fresh fruit
  • Refreshments
If the stay will be in a camp , farm school, etc., It must first contact the school management and the head chef to properly inform.
In canteens
If food is prepared in the same company where the celiac works, it can talk to the chef or responsible and choose dishes that do not contain gluten. Unabashedly it should be informed of gluten intolerance and the requirements of the diet without gluten.
In the restaurant
When meals are taken away from home, in a restaurant or at friends, for work, travel, vacation, etc., it should warn the waiter or host, on which products can be consumed and which are not. The celiac can make a fully normalized social life. In all the restaurants are dishes that do not contain gluten; you just have to make sure how they were developed in consultation with the responsible establishment.
Visit the website of FACE and Associations, and periodically update those premises with which agreement is signed to serve gluten-free menus .
In restaurants should take into account certain details: 
- The omelette can carry yeast or drivers that may contain gluten. 
- The chips can be made ​​in fryers are also used to fry croquettes or dumplings. 
- Ask if they have thickened sauces and what kind of flour. 
- Attention purees or natural vegetable creams lso adding "croutons" wheat bread. We must always ask about the ingredients and method of preparation of dishes. 
- In the case of celebrations (weddings, baptisms, etc), be proactive. Talk to the manager of the establishment before the event and report on celiac disease and what products can be consumed and what not, and culinary techniques to use: clean oil, corn flour to thicken sauce, etc.
At the hospital
When a celiac need to be hospitalized pot whatever reason, you should warn our dietary needs of health personnel (doctor, head nurse, head chef and / or dietitian, auxiliary and other staff). It is important and necessary education of health personnel about celiac disease however is not reasonable to imagine that most of the experts, except for gastroenteróloogs and nutritionists know what foods are gluten-free and which are not. It will also be of great help bring the list of foods suitable for celiacs then current, as well as a manual on celiac disease and teenrlos hand for use. on the plane adequate notice when you buy the plane ticket, some companies serve menus without gluten during flights; it is advisable to remember getting the boarding pass and flight personnel. However, it is advisable to be cautious and take some gluten-free, because sometimes the menu may fail. Check with the airline the type of foods that allow carry as hand luggage. On holidays and birthdays when held in the center of studies , it is important that teachers and peers celiac are informed about celiac disease and what can and you can not eat the celiac to take this into account when preprarar snack. Thus they avoid sitting displaced. It is advisable to request the teacher of the celiac child to explain this issue to other classmates. It should also periodically provide the child's teacher a few bags of candy, cookies or other products without gluten, for celebrations and special occasions.

If it is a birthday party or individual , should discuss in advance with the organizers (parents, responsible for playgrounds ...) to inform and propose "alternative gluten-free" menu.
Some suggestions:
- Olives, with or without bone. 
- Potato chips, without scents or flavors, the ingredients of which are exclusively: potatoes, vegetable oil and salt. 
- Shell peanuts without salt. 
- Raw nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts. 
- Popcorn unscented or flavors. 
- cooked ham extra quality, long-known brands 
- natural Canned fish in oil. 
- boiled egg. 
- natural Yoghurt of any brand. 
- Ice-cream. tubs and bars of vanilla, cream, not waffle 
- Fruit . natural and in syrup 
- Beverages: juices, soft drinks ... 
- bread, cookies and pastries with the Seal of Guarantee "Controlled by FACE." 
- Pickles.
Family and friends
  • Tell them about celiac disease and gluten-free diet. Count every time with your cooperation.
  • No they are the ones who cook, ask how the food was elabroado. Do not be afraid to insist.
  • Explain the importance of following the diet strictly and without exception. Pay special attention to grandparents and younger siblings.

Final Words

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