Friday 12 February 2016

Keys love to care every day

Keys love to care every day

Applies the keys to our coach to keep the flame of love every day of the year.
Valentine is a symbolic date that really should be held true love, 364 days a year. In many cases, it still makes a more romantic hollow love, regardless of that date because only then is a long-term relationship is built. 
Put the keys that gives us in practice Maite Nicuesa Guelbenzu , coach online web Mom and businesswoman , Doctor of Philosophy and expert in Coaching and NLP.

7 Keys to care love every day

  • Remember that have more value the symbolic and intangible gestures that expensive details.
  • Be realistic : a love relationship has nothing to do with movies like Pretty Woman for romantic and beautiful they are. In real life, there are mood swings, changes in mood, difference of opinion, changes of mind, tiredness, work obligations ... Therefore, be flexible with yourself and with your partner. Understanding is the best virtue can grow.
  • Try to make plans with friendsThis advice is even more important when there are children in common. There are couples which ceases to become solely parents. Completely neglect their own space, just talk about issues related to children, they do nothing to surprise each other.
  • Avoid criticizing your partner's family , because it's normal to be disturbed your comments.
  • Enjoy the present moment and not think so much about what could happen in a few months, because it wears you down. Everyday lives, is the best way of life.
  • Dare to improve communication partner : avoid personal attacks, and encourage to speak from the self to practice assertive communication.
  • Di love you frequently but do not say every day because so profound words also wear out from overuse.

Final Words

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