Alert, Pollution Can Freeze Blood
Our earth he was already getting dark, cool air, a healthy environment has been increasingly difficult to find. Increasing number of large industrial development create more pollution exposure fulfill this earth space. If not impossible in the long run if it is left unchecked can be a bad influence on our health. Breathe dirty air that has been contaminated like smoke in motor vehicles has long been thought to be able to increase the risk of disease. Recent research scientists United States indicate. Vehicle smoke pollution can increase the risk of blood clots and blockages in the vascular system is so deadly.
As reported by BBC News, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health found that exposure to dust particulate matter, chemicals result of burning fossil fuels, can lead to thrombosis in the veins on the inside (DVT) or commonly called clotting of the blood vessels the leg. In fact, some previous research ever held, has indicated that particulate dust can also increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. The researchers also revealed, dust pollutants can also cause the blood to become thick and are more likely to clot or coagulate. From there, the Harvard scientists came to the conclusion after studying the respondents about 2,000 Italians, 900 of whom are suffering from DVT.
But one thing needs to be aware of the threat of DVT or blood clots that occur on the feet Area area can move to the lungs. In the respiratory organs, the blood clot will be collected and locked so that it can cause pulmonary embolism deadly. Increased risk of DVT could be triggered if a person traveled a lot, but the body does not have movement which means, for example such as when on a plane for hours. Akitivitas you just sit in the plane, such a state is what is feared may increase a person's risk of DVT. Moreover, DVT can also be attacked meraka most activities dihabisakn to sit for hours without any exercise, such as sitting in front of computer in an office that is not a moment in time.
In this study, the scientists collected data from a number of regional pollution levels residence of the respondent. After that, the researchers then found that those exposed to high amounts of dust particulates within one year of diagnosis tend to suffer from blood clotting problems. As published in the Archives of Internal Medicine explained that every increase in particulate dust that enters the body as much as 10 micrograms per square meter, it is as well as increase the risk of developing DVT as much as 70 percent.
According to medical guidelines in general, good air quality particulate dust should have no more than 50 micrograms per square meter, more than the size, the air is classified as contaminated air that if it goes into the body and coagulate means would not be good for health. Avoid pollutants that have polluted most of the space we are somewhat difficult. But by doing some small things such as the habit of using a mask, regular exercise can at least minimize the risk of DVT.
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