Sunday, 24 January 2016

Disease Originating types of Gadgets

Undeniably, the evolution of gadget that develops around you in the last few years is making life very practical and easy. So no wonder, today's gadgets already tub major requirement for every human being, including maybe you one of them. Not a few people who feel very dependent on gadgets and absolutely can not be kept out of this one technology.
But you know, as a result of too frequent or enamored with technology this one turned out to be negative impacts of sophistication. If you are a gadget enthusiast and highly dependent and can not be separated from the gadget, then you should be aware of some of the diseases that may be stalking you.

Here are some diseases that can be caused by enamored by gadget:

Not a few people who are willing to wake up in the night to just open the incoming messages or incoming notification of his gadget. But you know, the habit of opening the gadget in the evening may indirectly disturb your sleep cycle. The bright light emitted from the gadget or smartphone you activate, can suppress the release of hormones that serves the sleep hormone melatonin process that diprosuksi body when darkness or without light. And without realizing it, the light emitted will keep your mind to enter the 'default mode network', which is a state of delirium.
Insomniacs have higher risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and hypertension, in the chronic phase, insomnia can mebahayakan to death for the sufferer. Just before it's too late, insomnia due to the use berebihan gadget that can actually be prevented by stopping the use of gadgets for approximately 2 hours before bedtime to lessen the effects of the discharge light can suppress melatonin hormone production.
2. Nomophobia
Nomophobia or extension of the 'no-mobile-phone-phobia, which is a condition where the body will experience excessive anxiety when separated from the gadget or smartphone. A study revealed that about 66% of people who are addicted to gadgets experiencing phobia this one. Signs and symptoms appear in the patient in the form of anxiety, sweating, trembling and was-as when separated from the gadget.
3. scrotal hyperthermia
Things like this should be wary, terutma for those of you who often operate laptor above her thighs. Because by placing the laptop on the thighs, capable of raising the temperature around it to six times higher. As for the men, these conditions will make any vital organ becomes warmer and make sperm production to decrease. 
4. Texting Thumb (tendinitis)
The use of fingers and hands on the gadget in a long time or a long-term, regular and continuous terusandapat emlukai reservoir, nerves and muscles. Generally diagian thumb injury is called Blackberry Thumb, while injuries to the hand called the iPad Hand. In addition, a more severe type of injury that may be experienced are numbness, muscle damage, neri, and require surgery for treatment.
Everything that exceeds the limit is certainly not good, as well as when using gadgets, gadgets excessive use can have negative impacts on health. For this reason, we suggest it might be wise to use the gadget and use as needed. Due to be healthy is expensive. 


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