It turns hugging Also Good For Health
Hugging not only increase the closeness and intimacy between you and your spouse or someone you love. However, it is also proved good for health because it is proven to cure stress, depression, tension, fear to loneliness. This was due, because the hug will release the hormone oxytocin, the hormone that plays a role in controlling the juice and the mind. More added again, he there are some distinct benefits for good health:
1. Lowering Blood Pressure
A study conducted by Bringham Young University in Salt Lake City found that hugging can help to lower your high blood pressure. Because hug can trigger positive hormone production which also brings a positive impact to the health of our bodies. Hugs accompanied massage is also proven to help improve manberfungsi white blood cells to fight infection.
2. Creating more Happy Feelings
Kissing, cuddling or other activities berkenaaan with other physical contact may increase levels of the hormone oxytocin or better known as the hormone 'bonding'. As quoted from the explanation Dr. Renee Horowitz a sexual health expert from Farmington Hills, Michigan said with a hug. Then the body will release chemicals like oxytocin were able to trigger feelings of happiness appears. Additionally, hug or cuddle will make you feel happier, much quieter, even being able to reduce the stress you infest today, as well as nervousness and panic you when you are speaking in public.
3. Provide Comfort
In the condition of a person when scared, sad, disappointed or upset, a hug could be members feel safe and comfortable. When your loved ones like friends, family or your close relatives are facing problems, give him a hug so that they can feel more calm.
4. Pressing Stress Level
A stress management trainer and therapist Holistic namely Catherine A. Connors explained that the presence of physical contact with others can reduce stress levels. Another study conducted by the University of Miami's Touch Research Institute, explained that a hug has medical benefits that can reduce pain in the head.
5. Improve Immune
As quoted from mention that the hug would boost the immune system. "The gentle pressure on the sternum and with the increased emotions Dollar mamapu enable Plexus Chakra. This hormone stimulates the thymus gland that regulate and balance the production of white blood cells in your body. So that you will stay fit and free from disease. "Obviously.
Even a writer and psychotherapist Virginia Satir of Americans say that every day you need 12 hugs a day with 4 arms division for happiness, hugs another 8 to health, he explained. That he benefits from hugging, too simple, it turns out it can bring health benefits for your body. Therefore, from this moment scatter affection and hugs to the people you care about.
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