Sunday, 31 January 2016

fried Causes Body Odor

Consumption of fried Causes Body Odor

You often feel less confident with the odor generated by your sweat? Actually smell comes not because of the amount of sweat but because microorganisms such as bacteria that attach to your body. Some people even blame the genes, cheap perfume and also work a person that lead to body odor. Two types of glands produce sweat. Eccrine glands cover most of the body and produces sweat is odorless, while the apocrine glands in the armpits, genitals and scalp sweat release is fat. The bacteria mix with sweat that contains fat, and the process of chemical decomposition can cause body odor. If you have an unpleasant body odor, some experts found the body odor associated with excessive use of deodorants and also several possible biological composition of your body, but many experts agree that body odor can be caused by certain foods.
One of the foods that can trigger a person's body odor is fried foods, very popular among people in Indonesia. Fried can easily get started fried located on the edge of the road until fried encountered in a particular restaurant. Fried itself is a term for snacks process by frying and includes the types of snacks are much in demand.Consists of a fried banana fritters, bakwan, know, Mendon, fried cassava dull.Tidak only in Indonesia, in Japan fried foods such as tempura are very much in demand as well as in Western countries such as Britain, the United States and Belgium are better known french fries.
Is it true that fried foods can cause body odor? Fried is one of the foods that can trigger the body odor associated with excessive fat content resulting from the cooking process. Oils that are used repeatedly in the method of cooking known as waste oil used cooking oil is unhealthy. Cooking oil contains chemical compounds that are karsiogenik or carcinogenic and can cause health problems such as indigestion. Indigestion bad will lead to a buildup of bacteria in the body that cause body odor.
Besides spices fried foods using spices with a very strong smell like garlic, curry etc.This is related to the content of spices which have a pungent aroma and difficult to digest that produce sulfur gas is absorbed by the blood and cause bad breath and body odor. A mixture of meat contained in fried foods will trigger body odor. This is because eating meat takes a long time in the digestive process. Inhibition of the digestive process will lead to bad breath, body odor also inhibits the process of defecation.
Nevertheless some people have a genetic disorder called trimethylaminuria in which the body can not break down the amino acid trimethylamine. This causes body odor as trimethylamine accumulate in the body. Although this condition is rare, if you have the kind of body odor, you can try to avoid foods that contain amino acids and precursors. As for some other foods that can trigger the body odor is as follows eggs, liver, kidney, seafood, fish oil, milk from cows that eat wheat, peas, beans, soy and soy products, nuts, and vegetables from the cabbage family.

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