Monday, 25 January 2016

Habits that Can Damage Teeth

Teeth problems

Damage Teeth

Have white teeth clean and neatly arranged surely be everyone's dream not to mention men and women. With your sparkling teeth must be made confident, especially when removing the smile on others, especially the opposite sex when Speaking. Teeth are maintained will make you more fascinating each time smiling. Namu sometimes, unconsciously there are some habits such as consuming food or drink that can ruin the beauty of the teeth.
If you have this, what can I say the dream of having a beautiful smile and teeth there lived a dream, there are also costs that you need to prepare to restore your beautiful smile along with your teeth sparkling. If you do not want this kind of problem constantly haunt you, for it should pay attention to some bad habits that can lead to damage to the teeth, such as color fade to make it hollow.

Here are habits that can damage teeth.

1. Cough

Most cough has a sweet taste that is where the flavor is better than the taste of drugs in general. But here's the sweet taste that invites problems in the teeth. The content of sugar and laden available on cough medicine can cause tooth decay if consumed continuously and you never pay attention to dental health. If you have this, it is not possible dental problems such as cavities and pain can be up to you. For that, try every time you take cough medicine, make sure if you always rinse or brush your teeth afterwards. Sugar contained in the products of this cough medicine can react with the sticky plaque lodged in the lining of the teeth where plaque bacteria can convert sugar into acid which then feared would eat away tooth enamel.

2. Swim

Those who like to swim in the pool which was given certain chemicals with more than six hours during the week are at risk of brown discoloration of the teeth. This happens because the chemicals are mixed in the pool water can be mixed with saliva (saliva) swimmer and it is this which then can lead to tooth staining reaction. But of course, this reaction will not directly make the color of the teeth turn brown, first teeth will turn yellow and eventually to brown. And this coloration typically would attack the front teeth. The way to overcome this the swimmers usually advisable to always wear protective moss which protects teeth when they swim or perform activities in the water.

3. Milk

Consuming milk is indeed very important for the health of our bodies, because the milk calcium as a supplier of many widely recommended by nutrition experts. But the benefits of milk that has been circulating widely in the community, sometimes it is not as pure as when first milk milked. Now more and more external content of milk which can cause damage to organs one tooth. The content of sugar or sweetener in milk is what many believed to be one of the causes of tooth decay because the sweetener contained didalamanya can be a food source for bacteria lodged in the mouth. And if taken continuously until it becomes a habit, it is feared that milk can damage the teeth. And this is what you should pay attention, especially when giving milk to your baby when he bedtime. It is better if always be sure not to miss your child brush her teeth before she sleeps, it is that the sugar or sweetener contained in the milk does not precipitate thus becoming a source of food for bacteria in the mouth.

4. Brushing Teeth terlalau Hard

Your behavior while brushing your teeth by giving a little pressure then assume that brushing your teeth in a way that will make your teeth clean and germs that are inside could dirontokan. But in fact, it is wrong, use a toothbrush with bristles, coupled with the pressure a little hard when brushing, can remove the protective enamel of permanent teeth. And this is what makes the teeth become more sensitive to potholes. In addition, it can also cause gum quitting (or what is known as gum thinning). For that reason, many products toothbrush offers a soft brush, lightweight and flexible. This meant that the system in the mouth especially the teeth are not damaged. Therefore, from now on, it's good from a selective memlilih right toothbrush and also note the correct way to brush teeth. So that no more gums that bleed or blisters due to incorrect teeth cleaning process.

5. Chewing Stone Ice

It is true if the hail / ice cubes do not contain sugar or sweeteners. So naturally if you think that chewing ice cubes or destroy it with your teeth will not damage your teeth. But not because the content of sweetener are able to damage the teeth, but chewing ice with a texture that is so loud can damage your teeth one of which can break down tooth enamel and make your teeth cracked. And if you are careless when chewed, it can irritate the soft tissue inside the tooth which can then trigger a toothache. For that, immediately leave your habit of chewing ice cubes although many who think it is fun because the sensation of cold that continue to make your mouth fresh.


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