Cause Insomnia Sleep Disorders addition
Good sleep quality is certainly very necessary for the body to keep it feeling refreshed. In contrast to poor quality sleep as lack of sleep will cause a lot of problems in health, like them will arise fatigue, excessive anxiety to trigger weight gain or better known as obesity.Difficulty sleeping is not only caused by insomnia alone. There are many things that can trigger a person having trouble going to sleep at night. What are they?
Here are some of the causes of a person experiencing sleep disorders other than insomnia:
1. Poor Sports
For most people, difficulty sleeping at night can be triggered due to a lack of exercise. It could be the cause is because the body does not feel tired, so do not make the bed as an option to rest. To overcome this, you should start doing a little sports movement as a small walk or jog around the area of the house during the afternoon, so at night you will feel a little bit tired so the body will require you to rest, so that your sleep will be felt more soundly at night.
2. Too Much Drinking Water
At bedtime and you drink too much water and not taking urinate at bedtime. Chances are you will not sleep well and tend to have problems with difficulty when going to bed. This is because when you consume a lot of water at bedtime then chances are you will be woken up at midnight because of the desire to urinate that can not be detained again. In addition, consuming a lot of water in the middle of the night tend to make it easier thirsty. For this reason, you should drink enough water, especially at bedtime. And also note the type of water you drink, you should choose mineral water is more healthy for the body.
3. Eating Too Much
When the stomach is full of food, then you will have trouble sleeping. This is because the stomach needs time to digest and process the food inside. In addition, a full stomach will make you have trouble finding a comfortable position while he was sleeping.
4. Hunger
Not only are many meals that can make you have trouble sleeping, but also excessive hunger could be part of the trigger for the disorder. When the intake of food that goes into your body is not sufficient, especially for those of you who are doing a diet that is usually so avoid the dinner hour. Chances are you will find it difficult to sleep soundly. Starvation also often interfere with a person's sleep and keeps them awake at night just to find food. If this is the case, not just a sleep disorder that is what you get, but also a greater risk of obesity invade your body.
5. Stress
The last point which can cause sleep disorders other than insomnia is stress. Too much to think about when going to bed can make a person having trouble sleeping at night. With that, preferably, clear your mind of all the issues at bedtime. Think of the problems that you experienced, it will only keep you awake all night. Try to delay for a moment all your problems so that you can sleep more soundly.
That he was a few things that can trigger sleep disorders other than insomnia. Quality sleep is essential to maintaining a healthy body. Not only that, lack of sleep can make a person lose appetite or have a bad mood.
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