Monday, 25 January 2016

hiccup causes and treatment


Everyone, not limited to any age, must have experienced and felt hiccups including you not? Hiccups usually happens suddenly or even when you are chewing food. When this occurs, the chest will feel jerky and throat feel less comfortable. In addition, the time that kept repeating itself sometimes makes us tired. So it normal when hiccups occur? and why we can hiccups ?.

Why do we hiccup?

In the medical world, known as singultus hiccup. Hiccups is characterized by sound 'HIC', like a strangled voice. Source occurrence of hiccups is derived from the diaphragm. This can occur because of the contraction that occurs suddenly in the diaphragm area and lasted for repeatedly. Conditions such as these will cause the gap between the vocal cords are closed, but air can still pass. Here he mnyebabkan sound 'HIC' whenever hiccup. Hiccups often occur at certain times, such as:

1. Lack of Body 

Fluid intake. Conditions could hiccup occurs when the body lacks fluid intake causes the food is not completely pushed into the abdomen. For that reason, inadequate your fluid needs.

2. Eat Haste. 

No wonder if the hiccups will be more attacks those who eat in haste or with a long talk while eating. This is because, the entry of oxygen urged suddenly into the lungs which can affect the condition of diaphragms. And this is going choked followed by a hiccup.

3. Temperature change abruptly. 

Extreme temperature changes suddenly could potentially cause hiccups. For this reason, it is not recommended, foods hot and cold drinks simultaneously.

4. Use of Spices and Seasonings Taste food. 

Someone who can not stand spicy, are more likely to experience hiccups while eating spicy foods. Similarly if the use of spices in food is too salty or sour. It certainly would make diaphragms undergo a sudden contraction, which means inviting hiccup.
Normally, the only hiccup will take place shortly and a few minutes. And until now there has been no serious impact that could endanger health caused by hiccups. For this reason, there is no any medical side is willing to give the drug when patients complained of experiencing hiccups. Except, if there is a certain disorder which was considered serious in the diaphragm.
Although hiccups are not classified as dangerous complaint, but if the time course of the fair already dibatas it could be a sign of any abnormalities in your body. For that, you should seek medical attention if you experience hiccups that lasted more than 30 minutes and accompanied by pain in the neck too. Hiccups sometimes makes you so troubled and tormented. To overcome this, here are some simple ways you can do in order to immediately stop the hiccups.

How to Overcome Hiccups

  1. Drink a glass of water slowly and let the water flow to the throat slowly and gradually in order to restore the stability of the diaphragm.
  2. Jerus drinking lemon juice or lime. Or it could also suck the meat with lemon with tongue. Research shows this way faster than with holding her breath.
  3. Press his nose with one hand then inhale through the mouth and close the mouth and make sure there is no air enters or inhaled. Hold this for at least one minute, until the hiccups stop.
  4. Chewing and swallowing sugar. Based on the research, the sugar is able to send a signal to nerve fibers to stop the trigger hiccup reflex arch.
  5. Lie down with the knees bent toward the abdomen. Hold this position for at least 1 minute.
  6. For infants / toddlers who had the hiccups. The above methods would be difficult if applied to the child. Therefore, how to overcome the hiccups in babies and toddlers enough to hold him in an upright position, patting gently punggungya section. In an instant baby burps and hiccups will be lost.
Here are some simple ways you can do when you have hiccups. Hopefully useful and good luck.


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