Monday, 25 January 2016

What Triggers Cramps While SleepingTriggers Cramps

Triggers Cramps
Triggers Cramps

Have you ever had cramps when you are sleeping soundly-pulasnya? Especially in the legs so excruciating. The pain resulting from cramps that occur on the feet is certainly very, very excruciating. Without further ado, suddenly thumb or calf become difficult and tense to be moved, it is as a result of the attack cramps, these conditions sometimes force you to wake up because it could not withstand the pain. After that, obviously it will be difficult for you to go back to sleep and enjoy a comfortable bed as before.
Cramps can not simply disappear, and requires less time to restore the body to its previous state. This condition usually lasts a few seconds to a few minutes which if night, cramping condition is mostly found in the foot. So what causes leg cramps? Leg cramps at night usually occurs when muscles tighten abruptly at the calf. Such conditions often found when we are asleep or waking up in the morning. National Medical Society said, that when we sleep, the muscles in the feet and legs became shorter so vulnerable to attack cramps.Calf cramps that occur in the legs at night, generally occur in teenagers and others who exercise at night.
But unfortunately, the triggering factor certainly causes cramps in the legs that many experienced during the night is the case, it is not certain whether the trigger. But clearly, there are several potential factors that could trigger cramps, among others, namely dehydration, inadequate intake of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and compounds other minerals namely sodium and reduced blood flow to the muscles due to prolonged activity on chairs without melakukanhal other or too much lying, potentially triggering these cramps occur. However, there are some other things that lead to cramps in the legs during sleep at night that occurs suddenly.


Lack of supply of fluid in the body can also cause leg cramps that occur during sleep at night. Dehydration affects the nervous performance that ultimately led to the occurrence of cramping conditions.

Blood Circulation Current

One of the causes of the condition of cramps in the legs, especially at night is due to lack of smooth flow of blood in the body. In addition, improper sleeping position can cause cramps, especially when you're sleeping, because the wrong sleeping position capable of inhibiting blood flow which in turn triggers the cramping conditions occur. When you feel the pain caused by a sense of apes that are so painful, but if the condition of the mussels is already attacking try to stretch a minute or jia conditions beige has already attacked, you can also compress the legs are attacked condition cramps using warm water slowly with so the muscles will tighten recovered with warm water.


Pregnant condition or contain attacks were also associated with cramps conditions that will often arise. So do not be surprised if a lot of pregnant women complain that they often experience leg cramps in the calves, especially while sleeping at night. However, calf cramps in the legs baguan general meneyrang pregnant women, due to lack of magnesium as well as calcium intake on sata mother was pregnant. For this reason, when pregnant, pregnant women are recommended to consume a lot of vegetables and foods rich in calcium and magnesium to prevent kekuragan calcium and magnesium as one of the triggers of the condition of cramps in the legs.

Muscle injury

Injuries to these muscles can be caused as a result of too many activities during the day. The effect may not be felt so soon after you melakuakn a lot of activity and sudden muscle injury and cramping. Typically, the effect of these symptoms we will feel new at night.Which if kept left, not only the physical organ of the foot are decreased function, it could be hours of sleep you become a mess, because the pain caused by the so excruciating cramps at night. However, if, cramps has already attacked you when you are asleep sleep.

Some of the following ways to be able to treat cramps.

  1. If cramps already attacking your body, especially on the legs, try untu not panic. Pani body condition instead increase the frequency of tension in the muscles, the muscles tense when the cramps will be hurt. Conversely, when the cramp attack one pepul your body, then try to stretch and massage the muscle cramp slowly.
  2. Hold this position for a few seconds, so that the tension in the muscles can slowly slacken. And after the pain subsides, there is no harm lakuakn back massage to relax tense muscles and provide warmth.
  3. Please be aware that cramping also as a result of the fatigue factor, such as after working all day or doing homework so hard. When this happens, try to compress using ice packs on the area disekitaran cramps, not the cramps just above the area.

How to Overcome and Prevent Attacks In The Leg Cramps

  1. To cope with the cramps in the legs lakukangan stretching (stretching) to do massage to relieve contractions and accelerate blood circulation. Ar compress with warm and multiply the consumption of water to replace lost fluids.
  2. Increase consumption of water, at least inadequate daily fluid needs to consume a minimum of 8 glasses of water each day, including one glass before bed. Besides multiply too konsumis melakuakn water before or after exercise.
  3. If this cramping condition often experience when sleeping, try doing relaxation movements of the muscles of the calf disekitaran before bedtime. The trick is to ebrsiri about 60-90 cm from the wall with your feet remain in place. Do ebberapa times, to be able to feel the side effects, you may need to do so for several days.
  4. Menlakuakn Avoid strenuous exercise or activity that suddenly. For that, try lakuka stretching with breathing while taking appropriate and membiasan cooling every after exercise. This aan providing the opportunity for the muscles to adapt so as not to cause cramping. And there proliferate, this warming lakuakn every morning you wake seteah tisur by doing small gymnastics.
  5. Conditions cramps in the legs, especially in the calf, usually often occur because the muscles in the calf distressed with irregular sleeping position. For that, you should sleep with a position that prevents the muscles of your calf depressed tanpada realized. Take advantage of a pillow to support your feet when you sleep on their backs. Semenatar if you sleep with the prone position, as far as possible to position the feet dangling on the end of the mattress. Try to keep loose blankets in the legs to prevent fingers and soles of the feet are not facing downwards during sleep. Conditions cramps in the legs while being asleep not only make the legs become painful, but this condition usually forces you to awaken because of discomfort that attack and difficult to regain the position and the state of deep sleep as before.


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