Eating Before and After Sports Necessary, Why?
One way to apply a healthy lifestyle, one of which is to eat foods that are rich in nutrients and regular exercise. Exercise has many benefits for the body, which are able to burn fat accumulates on the body, in which the accumulation of fat is often one of the causes of obesity to obesity in a person.Besides exercise also can improve the body's metabolism. Activities and movements performed during exercise is believed to make the body feel fitter and lighter. But nonetheless, the energy intake to perform movements performed in sports is certainly not to be missed.
While doing the exercise, the body needs energy, especially when the type of exercise you do is a tough sport. And to meet the needs of optimal energy you need to eat earlier. By feeding the energy intake in the body will be met so that you are ready and eager to do sports. But actually, the energy not only in the form of food alone. The body has a reserve of energy called glycogen. The time needed by the body, this substance will digest the body glycogen into energy. For this reason, why some people can still exercise even without eating food before.
Eating before exercise is an attempt to get extra energy so as to work out well.However, not all the food is good to eat when they want to do sports. For that, you should choose foods that are low in fat and high in protein. And eat a meal two or three hours before exercise. And do not directly exercise when you just eat food, things like this can trigger pain in the abdomen, especially when you do run. The pain is triggered because after eating, the stomach will digest and process food, this process will cause pain.
After berolahragapun not mean that your body no longer requires energy. Exercise activity you have to burn glycogen which is "content" of the muscle. When glycogen burned down, it means that the contents of your muscles have been empty. So after that you have to re-fill it with proper food intake. According to a nutrition and fitness expert from the United States namely, JJ Virgin revealed that eating after exercise is essential for a process called muscle recovery to the original state or sistetis back muscle protein. In addition, your body requires carbohydrates to re-fill the muscle energy and protein to rebuild muscles during exercise. JJ Virgin also added that the first hour after exercise is the golden period of the formation of muscles, so when is the best time for the intake of nutrients needed for muscle building process.
However, despite carb recommended, you should avoid fructose carbohydrates you consume. Because fructose can slow down fat burning after exercise. For that reason, you should avoid the consumption of fruit juice or syrup drinks after exercise. Instead, choose complex carbohydrates with a combination of protein, healthy fats and fiber-rich foods.
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