Monday, 25 January 2016

Eliminate Varicose On Foot With Effective and Safe Way

Eliminate Varicose On Foot With Effective and Safe Way

Varicose legs


Varicose veins are one of the diseases that occur in the area around the foot. Varicose veins are veins or in terms of known veins that return blood functioning of metabolism of all body tissues back to the heart. This can lead to varicose veins become obstructed blood circulation in the area around the legs and calves while holding the weight of the body that occur as a result of aktiftas standing and walking upright in a long time, which will increase the pressure on the veins in the lower body bagia.
The main signs and symptoms of this is the appearance of varicose veins are bluish visible clearly visible, wide and winding. The sufferer may also feel pain, swelling, weight and pain in the legs, especially the calf. Until, in some cases, changes, swelling to ulcers on the wrist.
For most sufferers, varicose veins may be a mild disturbance which only interfere physically, but these veins can also potentially cause pain and discomfort could even turn into a serious condition, for which you should get proper treatment. Varicose veins can be caused by reduced levels of keelastisitasan on the walls of blood vessels (veins), causing the veins to weaken and are unable to drain blood to the rest of the heart. And for more details again, here we recognize what are the causes of varicose veins.

Incidence Causes of Varicose

As we have seen that the blood vessels in the body there are two kinds of the veins and arteries. Arteries carry blood from the heart to all the tissues of the body. While Vena opposite, namely to restore the blood of metabolic waste from the body back to the heart.And to be able to restore the blood of all body tissues back to the heart, veins on the legs must work against gravity. Fortunately, this vein is located adjacent to the muscle, the muscle contraction stiff also possess participation for a pump to be able to help these veins returning blood work. Small veins have valves that can be opened when the blood toward the heart and then be shut down so that the blood did not come back again.
Here are some things that can cause varicose veins appear that interfere with the normal mechanism described above, dantaranya:
  1. Pregnancy. This pregnancy condition increases blood volume, but reducing the flow of blood from the legs to the pelvis area. Changes in circulation is designed to be able to support the growth of the fetus, but unfortunately these conditions it can cause side effects that are less favorable that would dilate the blood vessels in the legs. Hormonal changes during pregnancy may also play a good role. However, generally varicose veins that develop during pregnancy, it will get better by itself even without special medical treatment, to achieve this recovery period usually takes approximately 3 months.
  2. Age. Along with increasing age and a person becomes older, the level keelastisitasan blood vessels can be decreased even disappear so easily stretch. In addition, the venous valves can also be weak, so the blood that should be moving forward toward the heart of the contrary can flow backwards. Therefore, the pressure on the veins become so high that it can stretch and timbulah enlarged varicose veins.
  3. Menopause, and estrogen and progesterone contained on hormonal birth control such as pills, injections and implants) are also potentially weaken vein valves and change the circulation in the legs that ultimately led to the emergence of varices

How to Eliminate Varicose Veins

To be able to eliminate varicose veins, there are several ways you can do yourself, that is the natural way in which this way you can do at home or in a manner in accordance with the recommendation of a doctor. Here are some natural ways that you can do at home.

1. Treatment of Varicose Naturally

Symptoms caused by varicose veins is not only painful, but can disrupt, varicose veins can also cause cramps, pain and throbbing in the ankle accompanied by swelling, this condition usually becomes more severe in certain circumstances such as during hot weather, during the menstrual period or too long standing and much more. Here are some ways to treat varicose veins naturally.
  • Reduce Time Sit Or Stand. Too much sitting or standing is also one factor varicose veins, because the legs, especially the calf should memopong body burden is too heavy. For that when you do a lot of sitting or standing activities it should be interspersed with standing at least half an hour or 40 minutes.
  • Avoid Use Heels. Shoes with low tumt will give the calf muscle kesemapatan to work optimally. But for those who are required to always use heels every activity, it helps often to stretch the legs at rest.
  • Note Bera Agency and Food Intake. Obesity can increase the risk of varicose veins. For that, consider the weight and keep looking. In addition, follow also with a low-salt diet to prevent sebaga Swelling due to fluid retention.
  • Exercise. A little exercise will help you avoid the risk of varicose veins, one of which palng good exercise is to walk. Walking is a good way to encourage blood circulation in the legs, but do not overdo it.
  • Elevate legs. Elevating your legs can do at home while relaxing. It is useful to reduce the force of gravity on leg veins and increase circulation sarah order not obstructed. Lift your feet while relaxing, try to position the feet higher than the heart.
2. Treatment of Varicose Match Prompts Doctor
As for some of the doctor's advice to daapt overcome varicose veins that occur on the legs are in the following ways:
  • Consumption of drugs or supplements that can relieve varicose veins.
  • Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids as much as 100 mg / day.
  • Ginkgo Biloba consumption as much as 120 mg / twice daily.
  • Use compression stockings or pantyhose khusu varicose veins. Diguankan stockings for varicose therapy serves to press the blood vessels so that blood vessel volume is not stuck in the veins. Which if this is the case then it can not be denied these conditions likely to lead to varicose veins.
Tip: when buying stockings for varicose veins treatment, make sure the size fits your foot. For this reason, using a measuring tape or a pharmacist can measure your foot to make sure if the size of the leg with stocking size the same size.
If it has gone through several treatments and therapies, but the varicose veins that you never healed well. There are some special treatment that can be applied namely as:
  1. Through the laser surgery
  2. Vein Stripping
  3. Ambulatory phlebectomy
  4. Sclerotherapy
  5. Endoscopic vein surgery
That he is some way to be able to cope with varicose veins, of precious natural way up the weighing operation you can do according to his ability. So and hopefully useful.


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