Inflammation In Body
Inflammation or in the language of medicine called an inflammatory response of the body's main immune system to irritation or infection that occurs in the body.Inflammation is actually a symptom that is beneficial to the body, because it functions as a defense, the result is nertalisasi and disposal agents attacker, crushers tissue necrosis and the formation of a state required for the repair and recovery of the body in normal circumstances.
However, the response of this inflammation is often excruciating, because responses such as pain, skin bruising, fever and others will be excruciating. As this reaction occurs due to changes in blood vessels in the area affected by the infection. Well, to prevent the inflammation that is so excruciating.
Here are 6 ways you can do to prevent inflammation.
1. Inadequate Mineral Body Needs
The body is not properly hydrated will experience constraints on the body's metabolic processes. Therefore, for those of you who want to prevent the risk of inflammation that is so excruciating, hence inadequate minerals your body needs. Mineral body fulfilled properly will be able to increase the body's metabolism better. Reduce the consumption of tap water, because there are so many substances that trigger inflammation worse when your body has an infection. For that, you should consume mineral water that has been filtered properly, it is to make sure if you really consume water.
2. Carbohydrate Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables
If you think consuming excess carbohydrates than sugar it is a big mistake that can make the body weight increase is drastic, it was erroneously thought. Therefore do not consume enough carbohydrates can lead to metabolic processes of the body does not function properly, which if it happens, it will cause inflammation of the more vulnerable. Therefore, consume carbohydrates from vegetables, grains and fruits regularly. Because in addition contain sugar levels are good for the body, these foods contain anti oxidants to counteract exposure to free radicals.
3. Reduce the intensity of use of Gadgets
Inevitably, this time it was difficult to separate ourselves from dependence teurtama technology gadgets that are all-powerful. To the point, this dependence makes people willing to spend some of his time to operate gadgets, including at bedtime at night. People who are addicted to gadgets willing to awake to less sleep. Lack of sleep is what you will be very vulnerable membuaut risk of inflammation.
4. Green Tea Consumption
The natural properties of green tea has been proven to counteract the body from exposure to free radicals and keeps the body can easily remove toxins by itself. For that consume green tea with more routine, in order to prevent the risk of inflammation you can start today.
5. Reduce consumption of beverages with a content of Artificial Sweetener
People rang hobby with artificial sweetened drink consumption has a greater risk in the body increase insulin and inflammation invite more easily.
6. The Right Fats Consumption
Fat consumption is needed by the body. However, you should be selective when choosing the fat you consume. bad fats contained in fried foods and snacks easy once triggers inflammation. To that end, should reduce the consumption of these foods and begin replacing them with foods that contain good fats, such as avocados, nuts fish and other foods to reduce the risk of inflammation.
Inflammation is felt generally does make the body feel uncomfortable, to prevent it before it happens is that things you can do to reduce the risk of inflammation occur in the body.
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