Monday, 25 January 2016

Powerful Ways to Overcome Calluses

The term 'callous' probably already quite familiar among the community, but maybe some people do not know what exactly calluses itself more specifically. The cause of what and how to resolve it in a way that is effective but still safe.

What Calluses It?

Calluses or in the language of medicine called 'Cullus' is thickening that occurs on the skin. Calluses are usually a lot of attack and the hands and soles of the feet. Calluses may occur as a result of too much or too frequent emphasis continuous or also the friction that occurs repeatedly in the same place part of the body skin over time there was a thickening of the skin. Thickening of the skin is actually happening as a natural response of the body to deal with friction and penakan happens repeatedly so that no injuries occur on the skin is pressed or rubbed.
For this reason, when these calluses arise in people who are healthy, then this is not harmful and in fact do not need to be removed because it is a form of defense of the body from injury. Only at times, calluses can cause a sense of being uncomfortable and cause pain.Moreover, in most cases are found, the problem underlying penampilanlah someone wants to remove calluses from his hands and feet. But it is different with diabetes mellitus (diabetes) or other conditions that cause poor blood flow to the feet.
In patients with these calluses should immediately be removed because at greater risk of complications from calluses itself which can lead to sores or ulcers. For that, specifically for patients with this, you should immediately address the calluses arising section of skin that is certainly how to solve it must be accompanied by a recommendation from the doctor, do not eliminate calluses yourself.

How to Overcome Calluses

The best way to solve a problem is to avoid the cause itself. Likewise with calluses, to avoid and overcome calluses is to avoid the cause calluses. Avoiding the cause namely by limiting activities that could trigger skin thickening as motorhome intense, using shoes every day and all day long and others. So what if the calluses that already appear at the skin of the body? How to handle it.
  1. Soak the feet with warm water after a bath for approximately 20 minutes. After that, rubbing calluses area by using a pumice stone.
  2. Never cut the calluses yourself using a knife or scissors. This is to avoid infection from instruments that do not necessarily sterile use. If injuries occur calluses section, then this would not necessarily be difficult for you later.
  3. Give moisturizer on the hands or feet are often meakukan activities that can cause pressure and friction.
  4. Give liquid containing salicylic acid (callusol) to taste the callused area. You can apply using gauze. Use this ritual regularly and replace gauze 2 times a day.
Here are some ways to overcome calluses. If calluses feels very painful or inflamed and swollen it's good to see your doctor to check your health. Moreover for people with diabetes mellitus, when they want to make the handling of calluses it is better consult a doctor.White skin and perfect would be anyone's dream, for it removes calluses is one way to get white and smooth.


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