Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Brain Making Shining Foods

Healthy nutrition From Foods That Can Make Kids Brain Makin Shining

Brain Making Shining

School age, children need good concentration and focus in heeding the lessons and the education she receives. To improve concentration while studying, children need healthy nutrients that can support the performance of his brain to be more brilliant. For this reason, sufficient healthy nutrition at breakfast the next morning was the thing to do for the mother makes the child's brain more and more brilliant. The energy obtained from the children breakfast, is the most important fuel source for child day daytime activities.
For this reason, women should help the child so as much as possible to eat breakfast before he went to school. To ensure school children have a brilliant brain and their environment, as a parent you should be good at set nutrsi andak especially diet, a diet with good nutrition is very instrumental in the brain development of children. One important thing to do is to provide proper nutrition to the diet of children everyday.

Here are some healthy nutrients from food to form a healthy brain and brilliant especially for children

1. Give the Little Fish On
Omega-3 fatty acid content in fish is very instrumental for maintaining brain function. Omega 3 also has anti-inflammatory properties that can keep children from dementia and shape of brain function decline associated with age of the child. And one, the best natural source of omega 3 found in salmon. In addition, other benefits of giving fish to children as their diet is fish can reduce the risk janting attack and stroke. The fish contains high protein, rich in vitamins and minerals, low in fat and reduce levels of LDL cholesterol, which saturated fat is what has an active role in raising levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. While the benefits of fish oil for the fetus and nursing baby is useful for brain development of infants or fetuses in the womb, and both also in maintaining brain stamina to stay healthy.
2. Nuts
Beans are good food for the brain, because mamapu maintain the energy and thinking ability of children. For this reason, do not be surprised if the beans are often referred to as special food because it contains protein and energy as well as complex carbohydrates.Consumption of nuts are recommended for children, especially consumed during the afternoon, because at this time the body's ability to reach its peak in absorbing nutritious substances. In addition, the jug nuts are rich in minerals and vitamins.
3. Spinach
Spinach has long been believed to be a source of food that is rich in vitamins that are good for the body, especially for children. High content of folate in spinach plays well to slow the decline in cognitive function and sharpen a child's brain. A study revealed that eating more vegetables consumes very effective for those who want to have a better ability of the brain. In addition, other benefits of the health content of spinach for them against cancer cells, prevent osteoporosis, reduce the risk of cardiovascular illnesses, prevent anemia, diabetes and many more.
4. Fruit Berry
The anti-oxidants are so high in berries can reduce the stress on the brain. Berries, especially blueberries types, can help address Alzheimer's disease by reducing oxidative stress. A study conducted found that mixed berry fruit on groceries can improve brain memory is becoming younger and sharpens memory.
5. Walnuts
Among some plant foods, walnuts are foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids are the highest. Walnuts also contain anti-oxidants which memapu relieve stress on the brain. Thus, it never hurts to start including foods that are made from walnuts your dinner table so consumed by the child.
That she was 5 nutrisisehat which can be obtained from the foods above, but in addition to the 5 foods above you can also get the same nutrients bahakn greater than other foods. Thus, to be able to meet the healthy nutrients your little one does not need to include the expensive food for him.


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