Which is Better, Know or Tempe?
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Side dish to eat this one certainly is not foreign among the people of Indonesia. Ranging from old to young, women or men certainly never known tofu and tempeh. Yes, bagaiamana not? Both food is always a meal that is often encountered masyarakan Indonesia.Besides the delicious taste, the price is close to the people must be the most common reason why the food is widely consumed most of Indonesian people. In addition, both of these foods claimed to be the source of foods rich in nutrients and protein.
Unfortunately, recently the Indonesian economy was beset with problems crisis membaut soy soybean prices soared. This of course makes the traders and manufacturers of tofu was forced to stop production. Whereas the processed soybean is a source of vegetable protein is the least expensive. However, although the food is claimed as foods with nutrients and protein is so high, it turns out there one second sari foodstuffs which have a more healthful nutrient content. So which is it? Tofu or tempeh?
Although both of these foods are both made from the same raw material that is soybeans, but the manufacture of the two are different. The process of making tempe different from the process of making out. Tofu is made from soy juice (juice results from crushed soybeans) is then deposited by means of the coagulant added. Processed soy adapted from China's generally soft textured and colored white or yellow. Normally processed soybeans is much fried food to be enjoyed directly. In addition, preparations of know also widely used as a complement of culinary meatballs, batagor or dumplings.
Meanwhile, tempeh is made with fermented soy beans that use several types of fungi. The mold will hydrolyze complex compounds into simpler compounds that are easily digested by the body. And if it had gone through the process of fermentation, soy beans tersbeut will be solid and stick to each other. Forms of tempeh itself usually vary depending on printed articles used. Usually forms often found that round, rectangular and round.
And this is where there is a fundamental difference of the two foodstuffs, namely tempeh is a fermented soy product while the idea is not a product of fermentation. And the difference process on tofu and tempeh maker that makes both of these foods contain nutrients that are different from each other. So the difference was then determines the content of which is better between the two. So which is better?
But talks about it, there are important things we need to know first. Naturally, soy beans contain a compound called "antinutrisi". Do antinutrisi it? Antinutrisi is a compound that inhibits the digestion process some specific nutrients contained in other foodstuffs which are also at the same time consumed. So whether compounds such antinutrisi? Antinutrisi compounds contained in soy phytoestrogens include, goitrogens, sayotoksin, trypsin inhibitors, saponins and phytate (phytic acid).
The compounds naturally had indeed contained in soy, but it turns out the fermentation process is capable of destroying substances such senyara. And that's why to know more containing compounds antinutrisi compared with tempeh. Meaning thereby, whether tempe better than to know? It could be so.
Do you know? The high content of phytic acid contained in soybean seeds could interfere with the digestive process several other important minerals, such as iron, copper, zinc, and calcium magnesiaum. But the phytic acid content can be removed with a long fermentation process, as did the tempeh. While the other ways are just soaked, cooked or perhaps ditunas (like bean sprouts) are not able to reduce phytic acid content therein.
Actually, the phytic acid content is not only found in soy beans, some jenisa other plants also contain this, it means meereka fans phytic acid vegetables likely to enter into his body in larger quantities. However, the cooking process can slightly reduce the amount of phytic acid content contained in vegetables. It's just a fundamental difference in the amount of phytic acid content of this amount is not as much as is contained in the grains, including one soy.
Not only minerals, was the latest fata revealed that phytate can also interfere with the process of digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Interfere with the digestion of phytate trait in some important nutrients This would be very detrimental to the body, because it is not impossible that these compounds could be depriving the nutrients the body needs it most. And that means, it is clear that tempe outperformed know in terms of the availability of nutrients to the body. So no need to hesitate and confused again determine which is better than both foods made from soy.
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