The food menu is recommended Consumed When Sahur, To Hold Hunger
Thus, the fair if you are currently fasting often feel hungry. However, this does not mean it can be used as an excuse to break the fast which you live or lazing undergo regular routine because of fasting. Well, this time, there are several recommended diet consumed during meal time, to ensure that you do not feel hunger and keep you fresh during fasting.
1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a food that is usually consumed as a breakfast menu. Likewise when fasting, this menu is highly recommended consumed during the meal. Because oatmeal contain high fiber which can be filling in a longer time. In addition, eating oatmeal can also help your heart stay healthy, so do not be surprised if oatmeal made as altermatif food menu for those who prefer a healthy breakfast.
2. Apples
Besides being rich in vitamin C that prevents you from tampering mouth such as thrush, apples are also filled with fiber and water in it. So consume this fruit when the meal will make you feel full longer.
3. Chocolate Black
Delivers dark chocolate to be served as a dessert menu at a time when the meal is a thing that does not hurt you to do. Because besides chocolate can make you feel full longer, consume dark chocolate is proven to reduce blood pressure as well as protecting the brain and heart health.
4. Eggs
Consumption of healthy protein when eating a meal can make the body become more powerful and not easily lethargic. Sumbermakanan one that is rich in protein are eggs. Bring the eggs while eating the meal. However, it is good, avoid the process by frying. Steamed and boiled is how to cultivate better for your health, because excess fat can lead to drowsiness, especially during fasting.
5. Water
Sufficient water intake can make the body well hydrated, if the body is well hydrated, it can have an effect both on the body feel more refreshed throughout the day and increase energy. Drinking water and juice without sugar consumption is highly recommended at dawn. While consumption of coffee and sweet tea instead make the body is dehydrated, because it is a diuretic or stimulate continued to urinate.
6. Soups
Soup is a menu of the most recommended when the dawn of time, because the content of protein and vegetables in it. In addition, eating soup at dawn can make your stomach still feels full.
That she some good food menu and recommended to be consumed during the meal. With a quality dining menu at dawn, it will keep you fresh throughout the day.
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