Monday, 25 January 2016

Why People Often Nail Biting?

Nail Biting

Are you including people with the habit of nail holding in their mouth? According to the research, there are about millions of people worldwide who have a hobby of biting his nails themselves. The severity of this practice is classed as a bad habit that is more difficult to remove than the smoking habit.
One habit that is often done unconsciously is to bite the nails. The habit of biting the nails or in medical language known as Onychophagia, usually done when a person feels tense, panic or even when the mood is not good as well as feeling tired and frightened.

Interesting Facts About Nail Biting Habit

1. Most people who have a habit of biting his finger nails pda usually motivated with tension. However it turns out, there is a fact that is quite interesting, that in fact there are some people who do this practice to overcome anxiety or tension. It sounds quite strange is not it?
2. biting is one habit that is most often committed by children. According to one study, almost 60 percent of this practice is found in children, while adolescents estimate the percentage is only about 45 percent.
3. biting nails without generally begin to appear in childhood, which can continue into adulthood.
4. The nail biting habit is unwittingly done while doing everyday activities such as watching television, reading a book or while dialing.
5. In his age 10 years and older, was a tad more frequent biting his nails than in girls. That she some interesting facts about nail biting. Not only is classed as a bad habit because it is difficult to remove. The medical experts also mentioned, if continuous, these habits are also classified in obsessive-compulsive disorder or known as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
It is an anxiety disorder that is able to lead to panic dsn high level so that it appears the behavior is done repeatedly to reduce anxiety. So what are the causes of the frequent habit.

What reason people often Nail Biting?

In general, a person causes or triggers nail biting is because the person is feeling tense, stressed or bored. And for those who frequent nail biting habit like this is regarded as a powerful way to overcome anxiety, panic and tension that is being experienced. While other causes could be is because they feel lonely (feeling alone), frustrated or perhaps because of genetic factors inherited his parents.
Moreover, at its most severe, from someone who has a habit of biting her fingernails are they also memeiliki habits unnatural like too frequently wash their hands over and over again, even though his hands are not dirty and habits that are too often check if the door is locked or not , where these things as part of a response to the concerns and anxieties that are too excessive ddaam that person.
Not only that, even research shows that many of you who emmiliki same habit apparently also have behavior and concentration disorders such as hyperactivity or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), fear of separation and properties of rebelliousness.

What is Due From Nail Biting Often?

1. When someone biting nails, is not only the nails were bitten, but also biting the cuticle and skin tissue in the nail area. Mengigiti frequency nails can cause nerve damage to the nail and skin in the area of ​​the nail, where it is regarded as self-mutilation habits.
2. Nail biting was also not good for the teeth. Too often biting nails make the teeth become easily dated.
3. In addition to self-mutilation, nail biting habit will make the finger into the wound redness, bleeding and can even cause infection. Virus da bacteria lodged in the nails can be moved to the mouth and it is quite dangerous because the risk of causing health problems for the person.
4. And the impact of most recent course, is that it can damage the nail, reducing the beauty of nails and interfere with its growth.
Some of the effects of the above seems a bit serious and will harm you. To that end, subtract the start of this bad habit, so that your health is not endangered and the beauty of nails can still be maintained.

How to Stop Nail Biting Habit?

To stop this habit is a bit difficult, especially if this habit has become a habit that continues to do for so long, but try to do a few steps below, so you can reduce nail biting habit to eliminate the habit.
1. Brush nails with something bitter but not dangerous course. This method is considered effective, especially if done in children to prevent the habit of biting his nails do not continue into adulthood.
2. For women who already have the habit of nail biting, if meiliki sufficient funds should do nail care such as manicure. If you see a beautiful and manicured nails then you will find it a pity to spoil it. Which slowly it will make you lose the habit of biting his nails.
3. Try to use a plaster or bandage on the hands, especially in the nail. Although this method sounds strange, but most people who have a habit of biting nails have practiced this way and assume that this is one way that is powerful enough to reduce the habit of biting his nails on the fingers.
And that he several ways to address and stop the habit of biting his nails on the fingers. If the above methods have you praktikan and these habits still die hard and even getting worse, and lead to psychological disorders are serious enough, it's good to get immediate medical attention or experts to immediately obtain a more precise handling.


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