Benefits Tuna: From Until Stress Away
A study found that the consumption of tuna is also associated with the prevention and treatment of arthritis and pain. As already mentioned above that tuna are high protein sources, thereby able to help improve the metabolism which aids the body in burning fat faster, as well as providing the raw material for the growth of skin, blood, nails and other oriental organs. Not only that, there are many other benefits that can be obtained from a tuna, what are the benefits? Consider the following.
5 Benefits of Tuna for Health
1. Relieve Stress
Because it contains Omega 3 fatty acids, consumption of tuna in your diet staple menu is also able to relieve the stress that comes from the activity and your daily environment. Especially for those of you women who often suffer from hormonal imbalances.
2. Eye Health
Again Omega 3 serves many for health, one of which is for eye health. Omega 3 fatty acids can help the body fight macular degeneration in the eye. Macular degeneration is a condition in which vision deteriorates, resulting in disruption of the function of vision at the age of over 50 years. To that end, more health experts recommend to start presenting tuna in your diet, to avoid the risk of disorders of the eye.
3. Improve Cognitive Brain Function
Omega 3 is also able to improve the function of remembering or cognitive brain function, so it can help your body to avoid the disease degeneration of brain function such as Alzheimer's because it helps expedite the supply of blood to the brain and reduce the risk of inflammation and able memperantrai signal to be received by the brain, because sufferers Alzheimer's tend to be impaired in terms of delivering signals or impulses to the brain.
4. Helping The Body Detoxification
Selenium and Omega 3 contained in fish tuna into the primary fuel for the production of Glutathione peroxidase namely the type of anti-oxidants. And this is an anti-oxidant, which are crucial to the health of the liver which acts to detoxify. It also plays a role is also to prevent the onset of heart disease and cancer.
5. Improve Hormone Insulin Response
Consumption of tuna is also highly recommended for those people with type 2 diabetes, of course, because the Omega 3 content that is so rich in tuna. Various studies have explained, though saturated fat is actually able to trigger the accumulation of fat to cause obesity, the fat content in tuna in fact have the opposite role, the fat in tuna can prevent you from the risk of obesity and can improve insulin hormone response in your body. Omega 3 fatty acids known as EPA is able to maintain your weight so as not to jump and also helps the metabolism of the body to secrete the hormone leptin.
Below them are some of the benefits that you get from tuna. Knowing banyaknaya good benefits for your health, you should start the current input immediately tuna on the list of your diet, in addition to delicious, the fish is also very beneficial for your body.
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