Tuesday, 26 January 2016

7 Reasons Why Pumpkin Important For Consumption Current Also!

7 Reasons Why Pumpkin Important For Consumption Current Also!

Pumpkin is a fruit produced by a group of pumpkin-labuan or by the Latin name Cucurbitaceae. In Indonesia alone, the pumpkin is no longer a new vegetable or fruit. Processed so many variants that can be produced from a flask as made pudding, compote, jelly until the base material of various pastries. Besides it tastes so good, it turns out that the fruit is also rich in nutrients and vitamins that are good for health. By consuming one serving of pumpkin once a week can help maintain your health. In addition, here are some other benefits that can be gained from a flask.
1. Improve Immune. Vitamin C is abundant in pumpkin serves to enhance the body's immune sisitem or better known as the immune system. In addition, the pumpkin can also serve to detox the body.
2. Good For Digestion. The fiber content is high enough pumpkin is very good for digestion to reduce the risk of constipation in the abdomen. Other than that. According to research, the fiber contained therein are also touted able to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. To that end, the input menu pumpkin in your diet, so that you avoid constipation that often torment.
3. Prevent Cancer Risk. Pumpkin high in carotenoids and zinc that help the body avoid the various types of cancer. The high carotenoids in pumpkin can also reduce the risk of prostate cancer. In addition, the carotenoids in pumpkin mostly have beta-carotene which is a source of antioxidants, which can prevent the risk of premature aging.
4. Fix Problems breathing. As one of the foodstuffs mengandug high amounts of antioxidants, pumpkin necessarily able to relieve respiratory problems occurring part one of which is asthma and help you to have a normal breathing pattern.
5. Healthy Bones. One of the elements of good bone health is calcium. The good news is, the researchers found the compound dalah pumpkins. Calcium content of pumpkin is good for bone health. In addition, pumpkin also helps reduce bone pain caused by arthritis and osteoporosis.
6. Good To Restore spirit. The content of the amino acid tryptophan and pumpkin seeds can boost your good mood. It means treating depression. In addition, the pumpkin can ease the pain experienced by the body. When the body experiences pain, it does not hurt to try the pumpkin to be applied to your wound. By doing so, the pain you have suffered will be a little lighter.
7. Not only that, pumpkin also touted contain enough potassium, a mineral that is good which is believed to lower the risk of hypertension. Other mineral content in the flask is zinc which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and increase bone density.
Here are some benefits that you get from eating pumpkins. Thus there is no harm begin to incorporate pumpkin into your regular diet consumption.


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