Friday, 29 January 2016

Use of Plastic Bottles and Glass Containers Herbs For, Which is Better?

Use of Plastic Bottles and Glass Containers Herbs For, Which is Better?

In most herbalist carrying that we usually encounter, they often use the same equipment. Such as bamboo baskets, small bucket filled with water and glasses of small and large bottles are arranged neatly containing herbs for sale. Glass and bottle-botolnyapun diverse, there is made ​​of glass and those that are made ​​of plastic. And the difference is then begs the question a lot of people, is there any influence on the health of the use of bottles made ​​of glass with plastic bottles against the herbs are sold?
A minister of health, traditional medicine experts from Hospital Darmais in Jakarta, Aldrin Nelwan states, "Plastics for different foods in plastic that is used for other materials, there is a code that is listed on the P01 to 07 in size plastic. Plastics for food use has its limits.And according to medical health advice, containers are used to place herbs should use glass bottles. Because the compounds in the plastic may be reacted at a temperature that is too hot, it is in fear effect on the efficacy of herbal medicine. For this reason, Dr. Aldrin strongly encourage traders for traders, especially food, to better use other materials besides plastic material, "he said.
According to the doctor, the reaction that occurs between a plastic bottle with a liquid herbal hot, can lead to substances trigger cancer. In addition to the use of plastic bottles, there is also another question of the herbal traders, whether they should replace the use of glass with plastic cups? According to a survey conducted by the Jakarta health agency found that the claimed herbal traders, buyers often disconcerting that the glasses are used only soaked and washed with a bucket of water. The discussion took place at the event shows mentoring business communities Herbal Wear (UJG) and Enterprises Herbal Blend (UJR). The event was held on 7 November 2013 in space avara, Epicentrum Walk in South Jakarta.
Today many of the herbalist switch using a small cup, he admitted more practical use plastic cups with disposable and discarded afterwards. In addition, the use of plastic cups are considered cheaper and easier than with the use of glass that weighs heavier than plastic cups. In response, then how do the doctor? "If it benefits the better, so it's okay. In my opinion, because it is used only once and in a short time, the reaction that occurs between the plastic with herbal remedies will not be too big impact. For that, there is no problem, so use only, if its use only disposable and in a short time, "said the doctor.
In addition to discussing the effect of the type of bottle in the herbalist, Kes., Sub Director of Production and Distribution of Drugs and Traditional Medicine, Dra Nadira Rahim who accompanied Dr. Aldrin then suggest some other things that need to be considered by the seller such that, quality herbs from the beginning that should always be considered when dispensing herbal medicine. In addition the use of assistive devices such as containers or bowls digunakanpun must constantly clean and sterile so that herbs are not exposed to germs and bacteria that can enter the body of the drinker that can cause health problems. So the use of bottles used for container herb should use bottles made of glass to avoid chemical reactions caused by the substance in plastics that may affect the efficacy of herbal medicine. But for a small glass, the use of plastic cups are allowed to use only disposable records and within a short time.

Final Words

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