Saturday, 30 January 2016

5 Foods Turns Can Improve Health

5 Foods Turns Can Improve Health

Body fit and healthy would be anyone's dream. Especially at this time, to have a healthy body is a heavy price to be obtained, given our earth is getting old and frail. PollutionBody fit and healthy would be anyone's dream. Especially at this time, to have a healthy body is a heavy price to be obtained, given our earth is getting old and frail. Pollution, radiation, bacteria and germs which at times could easily invade our bodies and make them sick. But fortunately, we have a lot of people now are aware of the importance of healthy living, so do not be surprised if the current healthy lifestyle being intensively they galakan. Start of exercise routine to avoid konsusmsi to food that is not menyehatkanpun much they do. But you realize, if all this food that you think is not healthy for the body, in fact they are actually good for your body. Food What are foods? Consider the following:
1. Dark Chocolate
Besides it tastes so good, eating dark chocolate is also believed to bring some benefit to your body. One that is so popular is that chocolate is able to revive your good mood. However it turns out, there are many more benefits to both body that can be obtained from a dark brown. Yes, in addition to be able to restore your good mood, a study found that dark chocolate can prevent heart disease, because in a bar of dark chocolate contains some chemicals that can make cardiovascular sisitem in your body running smoothly. Another benefit, which lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, anti-depressant and improves blood circulation.
2. Avocado
Avocado is rich in folic acid and vitamin B6, which serves to regulate heart health. Levels of beta-sitosterol terkadung therein are also capable of lowering levels of bad cholesterol in our body lodged. In addition, the avocado is also rich in folic acid are useful to counteract free radicals, reduce fine lines wrinkles on the face and prevent the risk of stroke.
3. Blackberry
One berries are rich in ellagic acid content are good for beauty, one of which is able to fight the frown lines on the face. Besides vitamin C is abundant in the fruit is good for our immune system and help lower blood pressure. Several studies have described Vitamin C can increase absorption of iron from other foods you eat at a time when simultaneously so as to reduce the risk of anemia.
4. Lettuce
Vegetables with the Latin name lactuca sativa and belongs to the Asteraceae family are green vegetables are rich in beta carotene and vitamin C can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke attack. These vegetables are also rich in mineral salts with alkali elements are so dominating that which is useful to keep the blood in your body to keep them clean so that the body is always in good health.
Eating mushrooms also turned out to be not only spoil the tongue and satisfying the stomach because it tastes good, but apparently mushrooms are also rich in benefits for the body. Do you know? Tekandung fungal compound in the beta-Gulcan immunomodulator very nutritious for human health, this content is only found in oyster mushrooms and shitake mushrooms alone. However, other fungi are also still rich in benefits. Which is full of vitamin D and the source of anti-oxidants that can enhance immunity. Mushrooms also have anti-inflammatory properties that may help prevent asthma and stroke that can invade the body.

Final Words

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