Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Weight Lose Fast

Want to Slim? Until Soft Chew food!

Lose Weight

Although experts have suggested to chew food until soft, but not a few people who still ignore this advice. In fact, a new study suggests, by chewing up soft food you eat can contribute to weight loss. Experts origin of Iowa State University found, with soft chew your food will be additional time can reduce calorie intake from food. The findings of this study also supports the findings of previous studies that revealed that people who have a longer chewing time tend to have a more slender body posture.
The study documented in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is to analyze the amount of food to chew on the number of calories, no relation to body weight ratio. According to experts in the research Constance Brown-Riggs of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, showed the longer chew food until it becomes soft foods can provide an opportunity to the person to enjoy the taste and texture of food better. In the study, researchers recruited respondents with normal weight, excessive and obesity. The respondents involved were then asked to consume five servings of pizza and asked to count the number of chew in devouring pizza.
On another occasion, the respondents were asked to devour as many as 60 slices of pizza later respondents were asked to gobble until they are full. On the occasion of the respondents were also asked to chew food as much as they are able. Furthermore, the next opportunity, the respondents were then asked to eat until full, but by increasing the number of chewed up to 50 percent. Until the third occasion, respondents were then asked to chew up to twice as much.
From a series of such research, the experts concluded that the addition of chicle can reduce calorie intake. When chewing 50 percent more than usual, the respondents ate 10 percent or 70 fewer calories than before. Meanwhile, when the respondents chew the food up to the amount of twice the cud, they eat 15 percent or 112 fewer calories.
This is what makes chewing effect on weight loss. According to some experts expressed, eat a longer time will make the body be given the opportunity to realize that he is full. Twenty minutes is the duration that is needed by the body to recognize satiety. When a person eats less than the duration of 20 minutes, the body will tend to feel not satisfied, when in fact already. For that reason, give a longer chewing time for the body to digest well and hunger controlled perfectly.


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