Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Which Would You Choose, Duck Egg Chicken or Egg?

Which Would You Choose, Duck Egg Chicken or Egg?


The feeling, almost every day we encounter many culinary made from eggs. Egg poultry such as chickens and birds are commonly consumed by humans thousands of years ago. Yes, the egg is a food that is indeed the easiest and most often found in Indonesian culinary dishes, and also have high nutritional content so.
Preparations of these eggs are often found in various preparations such as boiled, fried steamed and many more. Compared with other eggs, egg ayamlah most consumed by the people of Indonesia. So, what duck eggs? Why the prestige of duck eggs can be less when compared to a chicken egg? So true is better than chicken eggs duck eggs? Let us find out what is the comparison between chicken eggs with duck eggs it?

Here he lists comparisons chicken egg with a chicken egg:

1. Size and Physical Characteristics
Regarding the size, of course, duck eggs are larger than the chicken egg. In addition, fisiklah characteristic that makes the difference in contrast between the two eggs, the eggs have shells brarna reddish brown while duck eggs have a bluish green color with relatively larger size compared to chicken eggs.
2. Content of Vitamins
As explained above, that the size of duck eggs is greater than the mean size of chicken egg yolk of duck eggs certainly larger than chicken eggs. In terms of qualitative content of the eggs are almost the same kulaitasnya. However, when seen in terms of quantitative for each vitamin in a duck egg is certainly more than a chicken egg. The content of these vitamins include the vitamin B6, vitamins A, E, D, B 12, pantothenic acid, folate, niacin, thiamin, retinol and riboflavin.
3. The content of Protein and Carbohydrates
Duck egg contains slightly more protein than chicken eggs. But in the way the carbohydrate content amount of content between the egg has the same carbohydrate amount.
4. Mineral Content
The mineral content in both is the same egg, which contains iron, manganese, copper, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc. But in terms of numbers, the mineral content in chicken eggs are few in number more than the duck eggs, which in this case makes chicken eggs slightly superior compared with a duck egg. However, some other ingredients, amounts to more many still owned by a duck egg.
5. Calories
The calorie content of the egg is evidently surpassed by duck eggs, duck eggs contained as many as 185 kCal of energy, this amount is compared with the remote if the calorie content found in chicken eggs, which is only 149 kCal energy.
6. Content of Cholesterol
As well as discussed above, that the size of duck eggs larger than chicken eggs. Which means that the measure contained in the egg yolk duck eggs certainly greater dibandngkan in chicken eggs. Size larger yolk indicates that the cholesterol contained in eggs duck higher than chicken eggs. The numbers alone, in every 100 grams of duck egg contains about 884 mg of cholesterol, while at every 100 grams of chicken egg cholesterol content amount of nearly half the content of duck egg, which is only 425 mg.
7. Fat Content
At every 100 grams of duck egg contains about 3.68 grams of saturated fatty acids, the content is much greater than the amount of saturated fatty acids contained in the egg which only amounted to 3.1 grams. However, for the content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in a duck egg contains 50 percent more than the amount contained in chicken eggs.
8. Benefits in Preparation Cake
During this time, perhaps only a chicken egg that is known to make the results of baking becomes satisfactory. But you know, it turns out circuitry using duck eggs in the cake-making ingredients, capable membuatan results become more crisp pastry, fluffy g and tastes better than using chicken eggs, as has been widely used.
And that's him some lists of data from the content contained on chicken eggs and duck eggs. And it turns out after investigation, the content of duck eggs have more nutrients than the chicken egg. Regardless of kandunagn higher cholesterol, and it turns out duck eggs can also be used like as we use chicken eggs during this time. And now, the time you begin to choose which egg becomes your choice.


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