drinking water |
We all know that eating lots of useful water good for the body. Because by consuming a lot of water, the toxins from the body will be neutralized and excreted through urine. However, it does not mean you should consume quantities of water very much. Similarly, when you're taking medication, if taken according to the dosage that will affect a cure, otherwise if consumed an overdose, then the negative effect.
Likewise when consuming water, too much water it actually will give the effect is not good for the body such as kidney damage and even the most fatal effects like kematianpun not impossible can happen if we drink too much water at one particular time.
Drinking Too Much Water Will Cause Some Things
In fact consume too much water does not come by accident, but by the desire to drink is being passionate. What will happen to our bodies when too much drink water? There are three basic things can happen to the body when we drink too much water, namely:
1. Consuming water with more than the required amount the body can increase the amount of blood volume. When blood volume increases, the impact on the system of blood vessels that will be closed to make the performance of the heart and its blood vessels to increase in tandem with the increased pressure on the system of blood vessels that covered it.
2. The amount of fluid into the body too much can increase the performance of the kidney than they should. Kidneys will filter out any fluids into the body, the mechanism is different from water pipes where more and more water entering the pipe the more it will purge the pipe. Unfortunately, this mechanism does not apply to the kidneys, the contrary is received kidney burden will be even greater with the increasing water must be filtered through the glomerulus. Even worse, if too much filtering liquids that are not needed by the body, the glomerulus can be damaged.
3. In addition to the above two things, too much consumption of water also can cause a fatal condition in which the body's state of hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs in which the body lacks blood sodium levels (salinity) were somewhat abnormal.Sodium is an electrolyte that helps regulate the amount of moisture in and around the cells of the body. And too much water can cause sodium in the body become thin. In normal concentration of sodium in the blood should range between 135 to 145 milmol / liter, but in a state of konsentrati sodium hyponatremia is less than 135 milmol / liter. When this condition occurs, the fluid level in the body increases and the cells can undergo swelling. The cells were swollen that it is not going to find it difficult to expand due to water it receives, because the cells still have space around the cells. However, these cells is different from the existing brain cells. Brain cells confined within the skull bones are so hard and did not have enough space to develop themselves as well as other parts of the body cells. So that this swelling can cause many health problems, ranging from mild to severe. A study revealed a shortage of sodium or conditions that occur late hyponatremia can cause drowsiness sufferers. However, in case of rapid, sodium deficiency can result in death.
For that from this moment to apply Rule Mengkonsusmi Water That's right. Ie, with not too much and not too little to consume. You may already be familiar with the recommendation to consume as much as 2 liters of water a day, but this does not mean you have to take it all at once at the same time. Moreover, the recommendation to consume 2 liters of water per day is valid only for healthy people, people have health problems such as kidney patients would have to limit the amount of water consumption that is not too much.
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