Annoyingly |
Have you ever had sores in the mouth that feels so sore? Sores in the mouth is called as mouth sores, besides sore, sores in the mouth often make us feel uncomfortable. Thrush is not a serious disease that can be life-threatening, but this condition is very annoying and irritating because you disturb to eat and chew and speak. So no wonder, if these oral health problems occurred in a person, it is usually the person will tend to be more moody and lazy to speak and conduct activities related to the mouth.
Sprue or in medical terms is known as aphthous stomatitis is defined as inflammation or an inflammation of the mucous lining (mucous membranes) of the mouth, which is located on the inside of the lips, gums, tongue, inner cheeks and palate. Infalamasi or inflammation of these sores usually begins with mucosal tissue irritation and cause rashes flushed, then formed ultus or injury or tungkak, the wounds inflicted on these sores can be round, oval, or even irregular and has wound edges demarcated , This canker sores usually yellowish white with parts of the wound surface slightly concave.
Meskpiun this canker sores appear small and insignificant, but the pain it causes is very painful, especially when eating a meal, talking, brushing teeth, and tend to cause unpleasant mouth odor. Therefore, if the thrush attack should immediately treat especially pain that is so disturbing. Although the actual canker sores will heal by itself.
Here are some ways to cope and treat canker sores.
1. Know Trigger Factors Incidence Thrush
Before knowing how to cope with the thrush, first we know, what are the factors that could trigger the onset of canker sores.
- Factors causing frequently lead to canker sores, mouth biting is because when you eat or so chatting. Or it could be when you ate and talked, because the focus chew distracted by talking.
- Thrush can arise due to a lack of nutrients such as Vitamin C which can cause thrush, B 12 and iron.
- Oral hygiene are less well preserved, such as one rarely brush their teeth. It can also cause sores.
- Too much consumption of hot and spicy just like spicy chips, spicy vegetables, fried, sauce and others.
- Moreover, thrush can be caused due to the use of a health product that does not fit with us, as well as using toothpaste or oral hygiene products that do not match our mouths.
- Or it could be these sores arise as a cause of the circumstances surrounding the temperature of your environment.
To know more specifically what causes canker sores are you feeling right now, you can recall what activities you did a week ago or the previous days were related to oral health. Once the cause is known, now we move on to the next langah.
As discussed above, there are some things that could trigger sprue, as one of the causes are eating too much spicy food and hot, and for it, then stop the consumption of these foods. Meanwhile, if the thrush is caused due to lack of nutrition are like Vitamin C, then increase the consumption of foods that contain vitamin C in large numbers, the benefits of vitamin C is what you get from vegetables and fruits, such as citrus fruits, known as the fruit with a source of vitamin C. so abundant. However, if the cause of canker sores, triggered by the lack of maintaining oral hygiene, then start diligently to always maintain oral hygiene to stay healthy and clean. By maintaining oral hygiene as well as to prevent complaints timbunya disease that occurs in the mouth.
3. Eliminate Pain Brought Thrush
There are several steps you can take to relieve pain caused by Sariwan with some of the following ways, such as including: '
- Drug use Paracetamol or Mefenamat. To be able menghilangakn pain caused by canker sores, anti-septic mouthwash or taken drugs you can choose. For drugs taken, paracetamol or mefenamic you can use, but remember always pay attention to the dose of medication you are taking to avoid unwanted things.
- Vitamin consumption. One of the causes of canker sores are due to nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin Vtaman C, B 12, iron and folic acid also plays a role in preventing and healing the wounds left by canker sores. This is where the consumption of vitamins needed to replace that amount is less intake of vitamins in the body.
- Use Toothpaste Made Baking Soda and Salt. In addition, there can also create potions themselves, how to make toothpaste with baking soda and salt ingredients are mixed. The trick is, quite simply, you just have to mix baking soda with salt mixed with water. Then apply on the mouth of the injured thrush. Then let stand for about 10 minutes, before rinsing with water.
- Yogurt consumption. Consumption of yogurt can maintain the balance of bacteria in the mouth and body. Thus you will be able to speed up the recovery process that is currently thrush you experienced. Moreover, the routine took it, that means, you've preventing canker sores.
- Garlic consumption and Papaya. You can also treat ulcers with garlic or papaya, which can be applied directly on the canker sores.
- Konusmsi Coconut Water. Believe it or not coconut water is regarded as a part of the cooling so as to soothe the digestive system. In addition it is also good to treat dehydration and is also good for treating canker sores.
- Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables. The aim is to meet the needs of vitamins in the body, including the lack of vitamin C as one of the triggers cold sores.
4. Check Into Doctor
If some of you have done the above steps, but still cold sores never healed within 4 to 7 days, you should immediately contact a doctor. This is important, so you can get more serious handlers to avoid the spread of other diseases caused by thrush.
5. Treating Thrush By Special Condition
In the special circumstances such as angular chelitis the sprue that attacks the lip folds, which canker sores as this would require a special treatment with vitamin B as well as topical medication in the form of anti-biotic cream combined with hidrocortisone 1%. But to get it must obtain a doctor's prescription.
And so is he, some easy ways to treat canker sores are so disturbing. Remember! Do not easily believe the treatment of canker sores is based on myths that are not based on scientific knowledge, one-one will actually worsen the thrush.
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