Do not wash Raw Chicken Meat
In a study conducted in the United States that washing raw chicken meat before cooking can increase the spread of bacteria in your kitchen. Wash the chicken meat may increase the danger of cross-contamination. Washing allow some bacteria on the surface of the chicken meat that will be spread to other foods, kitchen utensils, and tabletops. So some way this will help you in overcoming processed chicken meat so that bacteria does not spread:
1. Wash your hands after contact with chicken because whatever you touch afterwards could be contaminated.
2. Wash counter tops with soap and warm water. If desired, you can clean up with a solution that repel stench and germs inside the venue.
3. Dispose of packaging material from chicken meat to prevent cross-contamination.Do not reuse these objects to other foods. Other disposable packaging materials, such as foam meat trays, egg cartons, or plastic wrap, should be discarded immediately.
4. Using a food thermometer to ensure food has reached a safe internal temperature. For example, beef, lamb, grilled meats, and meat can be cooked 145 ° F. While all poultry should reach a minimum internal temperature of 165 ° F. safe
5. Eliminate the habit to wash eggs before storing or using eggs. It is intended to reduce kontimasi which may be generated from washing eggshells usually associated with bacteria.
6. Wash the chicken meat products under running water to remove impurities such as faucet. This will reduce the bacteria contaminate household items including other foodstuffs.
7. Wash the chicken meat has become your habit, especially if you read the recipe mengahruskan to wash it first before it is processed. For those of you who want to eliminate bacteria in the chicken does not need to wash it. You can wipe the raw chicken with vinegar or lemon juice to reduce germs contained in chicken meat.
8. The bacteria contained in the chicken you can get away with cooking the right way. So you do not have to worry about the content of bacteria found in chicken.Furthermore, to avoid contamination you should avoid using the former kitchen equipment cutting or processing of chicken meat. Knives and cutting boards former chicken meat may increase the risk of bacterial contamination.
Thus the reason you do not wash chicken before it is processed / cooked because it will increase kontiminasi on kitchen utensils and other food items that are at risk of health problems due to microorganisms. Selection of fast food is hygienic to be one of your goals to keep healthy food intake.
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