Saturday 6 February 2016

Decaf Coffee Benefits

Coffee without caffeine and derivatives

Coffee without caffeine and derivatives

Coffee without caffeine and derivatives.   If you love coffee, discover its derivatives without caffeine, roasted cereal nutritional value as chicory, roasted barley malt.

Coffee and effects on the body

The coffee is not consumed for their nutritional value because it contains practically no nutrients. It is taken by its aroma and flavor, as well as the effects stimulants of caffeine , the main active substance it contains. Coffee only just have has calories, your calorie intake will depend on the amount of added sugar and milk used (skimmed, semi or whole). The effects of caffeine on the central nervous system depend on the ingested dose and the individual variation in response to caffeine.
In moderate doses, caffeine is a good stimulant and great  stimulating power has positive effects:
  • It stimulates the central nervous system and respiratory system.
  • It improves the ability for muscular effort . It stimulates the heart muscle and relaxes smooth muscle.
  • Diuretic. It stimulates the secretion of urine and natural elimination of liquids.
  • It causes a slight increase in basal metabolism or basic daily energy expenditure made by the body to function.
  • It stimulates physical resistance or intellectual effort and perception. Delays the onset of fatigue and sleep.
The coffee is contraindicated in cases of hypertension , tachycardia or arrhythmias, insomnia , nervousness, irritability and nervous diabetes severe since caffeine enhances these states. Avoid with peptic ulcer stomach yácidez since caffeine stimulates gastric secretion causing hyperacidity and, consequently, decreased appetite.Children, adolescents and pregnant infants should refrain from coffee and caffeinated beverages similar effects.
It is considered a small drug because its consumption may produce dependence and withdrawal symptoms, which is why lovers of this drink you call them "coffee addicts." Do not take more than two cups a day and opt for other decaffeinated beverages .

Derivatives without caffeine

The negative effects of a high intake of caffeine have been producing substitutes or derivatives of coffee without caffeine . They are roasted cereal leading to replacement drinks coffee. These derivatives are usually present in the form of soluble extract and do not have the undesirable effects of coffee. Have a pleasant aroma and flavor, they provide nutritious substances absent in coffee as proteins and carbohydrates.
Caffeine derivatives - chicory


product made ​​with Raiza of intybus plant lavender, roasted, ground and sieved.
roasted malt cereal
Roasted malt
Product obtained by roasting green malt from barley appropriate degree of germination.
barley cereal

Roasted barley

 Product obtained by roasting barley, adding in the process sugar, glucose or molasses.

Final Words

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