Diet For Students
When you make an intense intellectual effort, as a test or test work, food can help you improve performance and achieve better results. Feed your brain!
A specific diet for this type of situation can help address mental exhaustion and improve the capacity and efficiency of the intellect. The vitamins and minerals are especially important in this case, particularly vitamins B and E , the potassium , the magnesium , the phosphorus and zinc . All these nutrients promote the health of the mind and so it must feed during exam times to focus on them. This improves the ability to concentrate and memory, understanding, intellectual performance ...
5 meals a day during exam
is the most important meal of the day. It should include some dairy, cereal and fruit to be complete. It is advisable to add the milk a little cocoa powder, which will provide the necessary energy to start the day. Add a tablespoon rosemary honey for breakfast as it contains substances that promote blood flow and nourish neurons facilitating concentration and memory.Lunch
should be light: fruit, yogurt, nuts or a stick of muesli. It also helps to improve memory take a handful of raisins with seeds because they contain a very good oil for the brain.Food principal
is advisable to include vegetables or vegetables, which provide potassium, magnesium, folate and fiber. Pasta and brown rice, source of carbohydrates and vitamin B, can consume up to three times a week. Legumes are also essential, and must be present at least twice a week, as they are rich in fiber, protein, potassium and iron.The main course can be varied, since both meat and oily fish (sardines, mackerel, mackerel ...) include nutrients (unsaturated omega 3 fats and omega 6) very important for the brain. With them we will provide protein, zinc, phosphorus and vitamins. The best dessert is the fruit.
Like lunch does not have to be very strong. A vegetable sandwich on whole wheat bread, a piece of fruit and yogurt, or a cereal may be some options.
should not be heavy, and that evening digestion is more difficult and may hinder the rest.The egg is a good choice, although it is advised not to take more than 4-5 per week. It can be prepared in different ways (best omelette or boiled) and provides many proteins. The yolk is good fat, lecithin, vitamins (A, E, D, B) and minerals.
Take a chocolate from black chocolate before making an intellectual test facilitates the formation of energy (is glucose), brain activity (including theobromine) and cardiovascular activity (including cocoa flavonoids). But only one because taking 2-3 chocolates might have excessive theobromine and cause nervousness, and if we eat 5-6 bonbons quickly decrease the reserve neural vitamin B1 and with it the formation of energy from glucose and produce some depletion .
Another important element in the diet of a student are the milk and derivatives such as milk, yogurt or cheese.Provide calcium and a number of vitamins, so it should be taken two or three times a day. Sugary drinks are not very beneficial, it is best to drink water or natural juices.
The fruit is an important source of vitamins and therefore it is recommended that at exam time consumed at least 3 parts per day in oil or juices.
Not recommended abuse drinks high in caffeine or other substances exciting as coffee, tea or cola. These substances keep the mind awake but also stimulate the nervous system making it difficult to rest and concentration.
Sleeping well is very important to keep a clear mind and exploit it to the fullest. The soothing teas like linden, valerian, lemon balm or lemon verbena , help sleep if necessary, even a glass of warm milk with honey is another tempting option.
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