Friday, 5 February 2016

Best Food For Bones

Food for bones

To reduce bone loss and prevent osteoporosis or missing in your diet a good intake of calcium and vitamin D.  
It is necessary to prevent osteoporosis or bone loss throughout our life: growth, pregnancy and lactation, menopause and old age. The bottom line is to avoid factors associated with bone loss. The key to a high peakbone mass during growth and adolescence, good nutrition. To reduce bone loss and the risk of osteoporosis-related fractures is necessary to maintain an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D , and protein .


The foods that contribute most calcium are dairy products . It is recommended semi or skimmed milk , it has more calcium than less triglycerides and fewer calories whole milkThe yog hurt or semi skimmed are also recommended. The cheeses provide plenty of calcium while generally have saturated fat, the kind cheese and cottage cheese are lighter than the cured and semi.
You can easily calculate the daily calcium intake by multiplying 300 times a day to eat dairy products, considering a milk supply drinking 250 ml of milk or yogurt, 80 g of fresh cheese or cottage cheese type , 50 70 g cheese curds or 30-40 g of ripened cheese.
Calcium content in tablets and whole milk is absorbed equally but calcium from vegetables is less effective. The calcium carbonate is the most common presentation and we have in the market, and should be administered with food, but can decrease iron absorption up to 50%, so it is recommended that foods that accompany the calcium carbonate are low in iron, for example, the contents at breakfast.

Vitamin D

The vitamin D hormone are initially produced in the skin due to the type B ultraviolet light, it is also required to prevent bone loss. Include in your diet fish such as  sardines and anchovies, tuna and mackerel because, in addition to providing calcium, because it contains vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids.
To increase the units of vitamin D is necessary to sunbathe on the face and arms responsibly, especially in spring and autumn-winter. Much of the population does not get the necessary contributions of this vitamin so it may be helpful to take daily doses of vitamin D drug .

Recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D

  • 0-18. Up to 6 months 400 mg of calcium is recommended and 200 units of vitamin D. From 6 months to a year the recommended amount is 600 mg and 200 units of vitamin D. 1 to 8 years is 800 mg of calcium and 200 units of vitamin D. from 9 to 18 is 1,300 mg of calcium and 200 units of vitamin D.
  • 19-50. 1,000 mg calcium and 200 units of vitamin D. For pregnant and lactating D. recommend the appropriate amount is 1,300 mg calcium and 200 units of vitamin
  • 50-70 years. Are recommended 1200-1500 mg of calcium and 500 units of vitamin D.
  • Older than 70 and 600 units of vitamin D are recommended 1200-1500 mg calcium

Sample diet rich in calcium and vitamin D

  • Breakfast: skimmed milk (1 cup-250 ml).
  • Lunch: small sandwich with 38 grams of cheese slices (about two slices).
  • Lunch: 200 grams of  first and 100 grams of sardines in olive oil second, plus 50 grams of white bread.
  • Snack: nonfat yogurt Natural (125 ml).
Excluding dinner in this example are given about 1,550 mg of calcium and 280 units of vitamin D a day. If you add a solar exposure face and arms just over 1 hour, add more than 200 units of vitamin D, which completed a person needs 70 years.

Final Words

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