Thursday, 11 February 2016

Learn How To Love

Learn to love

Learning to love yourself . 10 keys in your life to help you accept your limitations and enhance your strengths. 
Self-esteem based on good self-esteem is vital to have a good quality of life. However, at school and in college, we acquired much theoretical knowledge but we have no access to such important subjects such as emotional intelligence. Fortunately, more and more will influence on this issue.
Put the keys that gives us in practice  Maite Nicuesa Guelbenzu ,  coach online  web Mom and businesswoman , Doctor of Philosophy and expert in Coaching and NLP.

Keys to learn to love

1. Surround yourself with people who will appreciate and marks limits on those relationships of convenience: fails to take into account those people who only remember you when they need a favor. Similarly, fails to take into account those people who come and go in your life, without any explanation.
2. Stake your claim and respect to others because it is a very important way to love yourself. 
3. Be an active lifestyle because you high energy activity. Try playing sports, making social plans, avoid seeing too much television, bet on a good read ... 
4. Assume your limitations without blame for them: Do you believe that there is someone perfect?The reality is that not: stop comparing yourself to others. 
5. All people have a treasure inside, tries to detect how valuable you are and enhances this virtue through practice.
6. Watch your self-talk. Avoid phrases like "I can not", "I'm no good", "everything goes wrong me" ... Go ahead and date messages of optimism. 
7. Pamper yourself for your parents because for them, you're the most important person in the world. 
8. Keep a journal noting those achievements that have already reached that give value. 
9. There is a high training offered on topics of self-help : Dare to take a course in self-esteem.

Final Words

I Am MBBS student If you need any kind of information about Health,You can Contact Me,


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