10 Tips To Watch Your Diet In Summer
With summer comes the heat, the sun and the beach. Leave work, meal times, and healthy habits. Then I show an info graphic on basic dietary advice to tackle this summer. You should follow a balanced diet but considering some factors.
10 tips to watch your diet in summer
is essential to increase fluid intake in summer heat as the body loses too much water. Hydrate by drinking two liters of water a day, juice, lemonade, tea, soft drinks unsweetened ...
is preferable to make five meals a day light overeating three meals.
contain a lot of water, vitamins, minerals, fiber and Digestion is very light. Best taken raw and in this way their nutrients are not lost.
The stews with meats, high-fat sauces, etc best left for the winter.
advisable to take nutritious food, rich in nutrients, but not heavy: cold soups (gazpacho), salads, pasta with vegetables, etc.
Cooking simply: grilled, grill, oven, steam, light sauces and vinaigrette ... To facilitate digestion.
During the summer it is also important because they give us energy. Pasta salads, add beans to salads, bread at meals or breakfast cereals.
Fish contains more water than the meat and your digestion is faster. Also essential fatty acids from oily fish help to nourish the skin from the inside.
In times of extreme heat would be the ideal dessert yogurt or frozen yogurt (without cream), sorbet or ice cream.
In summer we usually go out to eat away from home, so we must learn to ask and how to combine dishes priemros seconds. A whim nothing happens, but eating all fried days is unhealthy snack bar.
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