Wednesday 20 January 2016

Contraception Hormone Side Effects Often Occur

Contraception Hormone Side Effects Often Occur

A hormone-based contraceptive methods such as pills, sometimes menimbuIkan side effects vary, ranging from mild to severe.You will not know until tried some of them. But, as an illustration, here are some side effects of hormone-based contraceptive methods are widely perceived by women.

Hormone Side Effects

2. Pebleeding

"This is a side effect that is most frightening women than any other side effects," says Dr. Hutcherson. BCPs right at the same time each day will help.
Usually, bleeding occurs in the use of contraceptive injections, mini pills and progestin implants. Because the lining of the uterus is very thin, sometimes peeling slightly and cause bleeding. Talk with your doctor if concerned about the presence of patches coming out.

3. Libido down

Try another type of contraceptive pill if you experience this. "For some women, the problem will be resolved when they replace their usual birth control pills wear with something more androgenic (testosterone containing more)," Dr. Hutcherson.
If the problem is not resolved alias also remains lower your libido, try try other methods of contraception such as a condom or IUD (intrauterinedevice).

4. Nausea

This reaction may be lost in a few months. However, if it is not and you are using oral contraceptives, try to eat along with your favorite foods. If you are using a ring or IUD, that means you need to look for other types of contraceptive methods.  

5. Mood ride down

If you feel all aspects of life running fine, but you experiencing moodchanging, then you need to suspected birth control pills. "In my experience, change the formula of contraceptive pills, generally may help relieve the symptoms of mood chaotic," says Dr. Hutcherson.
All hormonal methods will likely cause the same problems. For some women who really do not want to look for methods other than the pill, Dr. Hutcherson sometimes prescribe antidepressants as well and usually managed to overcome the emotional problems that arise. 


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