Thursday 21 January 2016

The number of Calories Burned with Cardio 30 Minutes

The number of Calories Burned with Cardio 30 Minutes

Cycling benifites

It only takes 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, cardio exercise has many health benefits you can feel the effect relatively quickly. Good for the heart you, increase energy, help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and diabetes, help you sleep better, and boost the immune system, and many more.

Interestingly, cardio not only can improve overall health, one type of exercise is also important for those who are undergoing the burning of body fat. If weight loss is your main reason for the exercise, cardio is a suitable option.

To make your cardio workout more effective, it's good to check this list to determine what kind of cardio most burn calories in 30 minutes. These results obtained from the respondents women weighing 55-58 kilograms.
Cycling 270 calories
Rapid cycling 324 calories
Indoor cycling 207 calories
330 calories jumping rope
Kickboxing class 298 calories
Running outdoors 270 calories
Sprinting outdoors 338 calories
Playing futsal 189 calories
182 calories playing tennis
Sauntering 122 calories
284 calories walking fast
Swim 297 calories
Skate 184
Dancing 162 Calories


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