Monday 11 January 2016

5 Easy Tips To White Teeth And Healthy

5 Easy Tips To White Teeth And Healthy

Affliction teeth should always be made to keep teeth healthy and white and protected from various diseases such as toothache, cavities, tartar and so forth. A healthy tooth is teeth clean without any holes or dark patches on the teeth. But not only that, healthy teeth will also emit positive energy so that owners become more attractive and looks confident. A lot of people are reaching clean white teeth color. But you need to consider is the human tooth is generally not a tooth has a pure white color. Normal human teeth is somewhat yellowish brass because of the anatomical arrangement of teeth called with dental.

Tips To Keep Teeth White and Healthy

5 Easy Tips To White Teeth And Healthy
Illustration of white teeth and healthy
Here are some tips to make your teeth look white and healthy:

1. Gargling

After eating sometimes we forget or lazy moments after eating to rinse his mouth or brush his teeth even more. Though age has been eating or brushing your teeth after eating, then automatically removes residual food residues harmful to teeth. 

2. Avoid alcohol

As we know God is a drink that not only
kiki Andapun damage the body can be damaged. Because in alcohol there are many dangerous substances at this time could create bad breath and other health problems, including your teeth.Alcohol has the property damage teeth if consumed continuously. So you must avoid alcohol if you want white teeth clean and healthy.

3. Quit smoking

Habit of smoking is very common and severity regarded as a habit that can not be abandoned. As we all know, smoking can cause many diseases such as shortness of breath, cancer of the oral cavity, and the cavity of the throat. And it turns out smoking can also cause your teeth yellow. If you want white teeth healthy and clean it is appropriate that you quit smoking.

4. Diligent brushing teeth

Brushing your teeth is one way to keep the teeth from the remains of food that we consume. Brush your teeth before going to bed is very important in making our teeth clean and white as we are going to clean the teeth that stick to the teeth when we eat. Diligent brushing teeth after breakfast and before bed so your teeth from germs awake damage teeth.

5. Diligent to the dentist

One way if you already have already had yellow teeth is to go to the dentist. Because the doctor will give appropriate treatment to the teeth we need to know that different people different treatments for teeth. Thus, the doctor will solve our problems the right way and in accordance with the type of gear we have. 

Well .. Some tips that you can do at home to keep your teeth to look white and healthy with white teeth and healthy you will become confident and attractive. Because the face is one of the body parts that often, even the most frequently noticed by others. Good luck and take care of your teeth regularly for maximum results.


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