Wednesday 13 January 2016

Thalassemia disease, Causes, and How to Overcome It

Thalassemia disease, Causes, and How to Overcome It,

One of the diseases that are still unfamiliar to the public, or even our own rarely hear that the disease thalassemia. Thalassemia is indeed not as popular as other types of chronic diseases, like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases. However, although unpopular, it turns out people with thalassemia in Indonesia are not few in number.

For those of you who are suffering from this disease or who have not been infected, you should not close ourselves to receive a variety of information about the types of the disease. On this occasion we will share information about thalassemia, causes, and solutions. Well, for that please refer to the article that we share the following.
Thalassemia disease, Causes, and How to Overcome It
Illustration thalassemia disease © Shutterstock

About Thalassemia Disease

Sign on our first discussion, namely about thalassemia disease itself. You need to know that the disease thalassemia is a genetic disease (hereditary), where the disease occurs because of damage to DNA and the damage can cause interference with the process of the formation of hemoglobin (HB) or red blood cells. Hereditary factors may come from parents who have autosomal recessive blood disorder that can affect the DNA of the patient. DNA damage is due to an imbalance of hemoglobin against amino acids. When diseases are left too long, it would be bad for each sufferer.Why is that ??, because the function of hemoglobin itself has a duty as a binder of oxygen in the blood. Hemoglobin itself is divided into four globin or its constituent amino acids, ie two beta globin and two alpha globin. And disorders that can cause disease thalassemia. If the cause of the beta globin then the disease will be referred to as beta thalassemia, and vice versa if the cause of the alpha globin hereinafter be referred to as alpha thalassemia. 

Causes of Thalassemia Disease

For the cause of thalassemia is indeed largely due to genetic or hereditary factors of the thalassemia gene carriers. If one of the parents had a history of health problems that this thalassemia, the risk for developing the disease will be milder on
children. And vice versa, if both parents have a history of thalassemia disorders, the risk of the occurrence of disease thalasmia the child is big enough. Well, it is necessary to know also that the appropriate level of impilkasinya, type of disease is also subdivided into 3 types. And below we will explain one by one.

Disease Thalassemia Major Type

First, that there are types of thalassemia major. Thalassemia major is one type of thalassemia disease caused by genetic factors from both parents. This type of thalassemia major, both parents become the main carrier of the trait. As for thalassemia itself is divided into two, namely beta thalassemia major and alpha thalassemia major. For beta thalassemia major is caused by the disruption of beta protein in the body, while the alpha major genetic disorder caused by the presence of amino acids and protein globin. Overall diseases thalassemia major is one of the most serious types of thalassemia compared with other types of thalassemia.

Disease Thalassemia Minor type

And the type of thalassemia which then is there thalassemia minor. Most people assume that the kind of minor thalassemia disease is a common disease anemia. Why many consider as such because the impact of thalassemia minor is not as heavy as the major types of thalassemia disease, while for the symptoms themselves are also almost identical to the symptoms of anemia.In general, for diseases thalassemia minor species this happens to everyone carrier carrier or carriers of properties. 

Disease Thalassemia Intermedia type

In addition thalassemia major and thalassemia minor, thalassemia other diseases is also no such thing as thalassemia intermedia. Thalassemia intermedia is one type of health disorder thalassemia in the mid-level, ie between thalassemia major and thalassemia minor. Thalassemia intermedia species is indeed the impact of anemia severe enough when compared to the type of thalassemia minor. However, people with intermediate levels for blood transfusion dependency is not too large, if compared with the type of thalassemia major.

How To Prevent Disease Thalassemia

Basically these diseases can be prevented, before you actually declared disease this type of thalassemia. One way to prevent disease thalassemia major, then the nature of the carrier or carriers of disease types of thalassemia can perform a marriage with someone who has normal blood. Why prevention is necessary ???, well, prevention is done so that the child will not be affected offspring pairs thalassemia major. But in the prevention of this does not mean 100% will be free and protected from thalassemia, but it remains likely be affected by thalassemia minor in which the implications are not as severe as major thalsemia. And so our discussion of thalassemia disease this time, may be useful.


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