Wednesday 13 January 2016

Know Tail Bone Pain Causes And Treatment

Know Tail Bone Pain Causes And Treatment,

M anusia has a composition that is composed of the spinal vertebra vertebra at the back of the body form one unit. The longitudinal bone from the back of the neck to the chest, waist, hips and tail bone parts. Part coccyx is what serves to support the body when sitting or body weight.Therefore, the function of the tail bone is very important. If it gets coccyx pain will certainly affect other cases. due to the uncomfortable seating can certainly affect a person's performance. coccyx pain is a painful sensation that is at the tail bone. The pain is in the cocygeus or coccyx bone located at the center of the buttocks. Sometimes pain that occurs on the coccyx can spread to nearby parts that feels like abstinence or spine or back. Coccyx when you feel sick would be very uncomfortable to sit, up from a standing position, or while running. It will be uncomfortable for a woman who is menstruating.

Know Tail Bone Pain Causes And Treatment
Illustration coccyx pain © Shutterstock

Tail Bone Pain Causes

Knowing the cause of an illness will certainly make it easier to diagnose the disease we experience exactly. Causes of coccyx pain can vary. coccyx pain can be caused by trauma to sit too long.especially sitting on hard surfaces narrow, besides the changes in bone structure occur with age or after giving birth normally. But not infrequently the cause of the pain from the tail bone is unknown or uncertain or often referred to as idiopathic. 

coccyx pain is generally caused by several things: trauma, an injury to the coccyx which is most often felt by many people. ii injuries include a broken coccyx, or tail bone dislocation due to a bruised tailbone injury. Besides sitting too strong or fall in a sitting position, the right punch of the coccyx, or pressure and friction which is repeated in the coccyx also cause sore tailbone. Even mothers who give birth can also cause bone pain

Tail Bone Pain Treatment

Coccyx pain can certainly be treated. Based on the development of increasingly sophisticated medical technology a lot of health problems can now be cured. Including this tail bone disease.Moreover, if you feel that you are very sore coccyx to settle or commonly known as the coccyx pain remains or chronic cocydyna then you should immediately consult a doctor. If you have experienced this there are several treatments that may have you live. Treatment of coccyx pain include physiotherapy. This treatment includes a physical therapist who demonstrate techniques for relaxation in the pelvic floor, then breathe in and exercise like bowel or small. but it can also do massage manipulation. coccyx pain can be treated by massaging the muscles attached to the coccyx that might mengunrangi pain in the coccyx. It also can use the drug. In general, a local anesthetic on the coccyx can treat this pain for a week. Anti-depressant or anti epilespoi can also be used to reduce pain coccyx. Besides the most recommended by doctors in general is to do surgery. This is done when there are many things that have been mentioned above are not going well. 

Prevention of Bone Tail To Not Sick

Coccyx pain can be anticipated with some things. You can sit on donut-shaped pillow so you do not hit the tail bone hard object, other than that if the pain can also be compressed with ice to reduce pain. The trick is to take ice cubes and then wrap with a cloth and stick it on your tail bone. do this until approximately 10 to 15 minutes until you feel the pain began to subside. In addition you can also sit by leaning forward. But besides all of course the main thing is to diligently exercise. Especially if you have a busy life with many sitting should you get used to stand or walk the road about 15 or 10 minutes so do not constantly sit. Coccyx pain could also be anticipated by the therapy seated properly. besides yoga is also considered to be able to overcome this. You can also use a comfortable seat on the stand. If you want to sleep using the most comfortable sleeping position or supine oblique. In addition it is also important to consume healthy foods and vegetables, milk for calcium and bone repair also is you need if you have this disorder.


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