Saturday 23 January 2016

Recognize Asthma - Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Asthma is still one serious health problem in the country. Until today there is an increase against this respiratory disease in terms of morbidity or mortilitas asthma. Data print if pravelensi asthma in Indonesia ranges up to 5% and 9%, or up to 5 to 7 million people infected with the disease of asthma. And as many as 2 million among sufferers require intensive care due to an acute asthma attack that is quite risky.
Generally, patients who require the condition treated or getting intensive treatment, the patient or pendertia due to delayed diagnosis and improper handling. Which it is what becomes one of the factors that is very problematic in the treatment of asthma.
Asthma is certainly not come suddenly and makes patients diagnosed with acute asthma. As with other diseases, asthma also comes with some symptoms before developing into an acute and severe illnesses that require intense medical treatment. Delay in diagnosis is generally more stout affected due to factors from the patient itself unwilling or reluctant to check their health to medical experts.

Often ignore and underestimate an illness is what ultimately makes patients experience delays in diagnosis. For this reason, given the need to completely deal with asthma in a patient who contracted asthma, then the introduction of the disease, symptoms and how to prevent it important known. Well, here are some of the knowledge and recognition of the asthma, symptoms and prevention.

Often ignore and underestimate an illness is what ultimately makes patients experience delays in diagnosis. For this reason, given the need to completely deal with asthma in a patient who contracted asthma, then the introduction of the disease, symptoms and how to prevent it important known. Well, here are some of the knowledge and recognition of the asthma, symptoms and prevention.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a medical condition in which the bronchial airways in the lungs are narrowed so as to react to the patient having difficulty breathing. This can usually asthma attack or relapse abruptly and could also be due to several factors that trigger asthma attacks. Which of course, these conditions would be very disruptive and makes a person difficult to run normal daily activities even in bad conditions can cause someone off and will not be able to perform usual activities. With the narrowing of the respiratory tract is a symptom and traits such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath even noises when breathing (bengi).
Asthma can not be cured completely. Only can be alleviated by knowing the sources of asthma triggers and avoid them. For that you should start to inhabit and seek shelter and the environment around you completely clean.

So What symptoms Indicates Someone Esophageal Diseases Asthma?

Signs, symptoms or early warning that will be experienced by people with asthma before the advent of asthma attacks in this body are unique to each individual. In addition, the same individual was, the early symptoms can be the same, similar or may be entirely different. Some early signs of the disease before the onset of asthma may be detected only by the person concerned. While other early warning more may be seen by others. Well, here are some signs or symptoms in patients with asthma before the advent of asthma

1. Difficulty Breathing

The first symptoms of an asthma attack is to mark the onset of difficulty in breathing. If someone who is running the activity or activities of day-to-day and suddenly he felt a difficulty in breathing as was so crowded. Could be this indicates that the person is suffering from asthma. If this happens immediately consult a doctor for more details.

2. Pain In The Chest

Area pain in the chest area could be one of the symptoms of asthma, usually in the form of a feeling of pressure and heavy attacking the chest area. Consult a physician or to the nearest clinic if these conditions affect you.

3. Often Feel Panic and Anxiety

If seseornag often experience anxiety and panic in some small things that happen in daily life. It could also indicate symptoms of asthma. But of course this can be prevented and avoided by menengangkan themselves and consult with medical experts.

4. Continuous Cough

One of the symptoms most often associated with asthma attacks is the cough that occurs continuously resulting in being short of breath. If you experience these symptoms would not hurt berkosultasi immediately to the doctor. Some gajala above shows that there has been a change in the respiratory tract and the respiratory airflow becomes blocked. For that, the necessary remedial action once done separately addressing these symptoms in order not to worsen.

Then What causes Triggered Asthma?

Peyebab medical Seara asthma is still not known with certainty and the patient is sensitive to a stimulus such as emotional disturbances, air pollution, animal dander and others. But of course, if that trigger asthma is caused by several factors this can be avoided by not approaching sources of asthma triggers. While other penyabab can also be caused due to blockage of the airways by mucus thick, in this case the patient will experience an easy draw breath but difficult to take it out back.
Well, as for some of the triggers that often causes asthma or recurrence of asthma in a sufferer are:
  • Air pollution (smoke, fumes, dust, chemicals, dust, sand, etc.)
  • Animal fur
  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Anxiety, stress and fear
  • Pollen
  • Olaraga too much
  • Cold air

How Prevention and Treatment Of Asthma Sufferers?

Until now berlum asthma can be cured with a total. As for some of the drugs recommended by doctors only to the extent that such preventive treatment alone. The recommended medication can also help make the airways even more loosely that occur in patients with asthma not cure his asthma.
But of course, do not worry, dissemination and transmission of asthma can be prevented by starting to detect and recognize your illness. If you frequently experience symptoms such as those mentioned above and often coughing at night. Then immediately go to the doctor and the most important in preventing the disease is to avoid the source or the cause itself. So make sure if you always avoid sources and triggers that can make your asthma relapse or make you suddenly develop asthma. Make sure also if you live in a clean environment and protected from dirt and piles of dust.
Asthma is a respiratory disease that would make a person difficult to breathe and would make this uncomfortable condition. To that end, remedial action as early as possible will help ease the burden on the sufferer. This article is expected to beberikan new knowledge and make a person able to recognize diseases and asthma symptoms as early as possible so that appropriate care can be immediately obtained.


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