Saturday 23 January 2016

Bad Impacts Stress Against Brain

When stressed the body releases the hormone known as cortisol. Stress hormones may adversely affect the hippocampus of the brain, which reduces the size of the brain, kills nerve cells in the brain and become an obstacle to the regeneration of new nerve cells.Which in turn would make the brain's ability to be disrupted. The hippocampus is a part of the very important for memory, thinking, learning and emotional regulation. Well, if there is interference on the part of the brain, the memory capacity will decrease. Which also means it will affect the ability to learn, think, and regulation of emotions a person who becomes disturbed.


Bad Impacts of Stress 

Well, in the meantime, to further determine any adverse effects that can affect the brain as a result of the stress that occurs, we see below.

1. Debilitating Stress Memory

The increase in glucocorticoid levels as a result of prolonged stress will berepngaruh the weakening of one's memory. This happens because the older nerve endings feel the difficulties associated circuitry separately brain cells are new. In addition, the stress that often occur in the brain would further complicate transmit information or feedbacknya, causing memory loss in the short term. That in the end, it will be able to cause Alzheimer's and dementia in humans.

2. Stress Causes Brain Shrinkage

Stress conditions that occur will cause the composition of the brain that is torn, thus making the hippocampus region scrambled to shrink some tempo. These conditions are more commonly seen in victims Tauma or violence. Shrinkage of the brain can cause a person difficult to remember something and difficulty concentrating. Hla is also disturbing keterampulan motor and make someone difficulty separately merancanakan something.

3. Stress More Probably Making Pinched Nerve

The task of the office or school so much or too heavy to think of something will probably membaut someone is experiencing stress. But did you know that stress can reduce blood circulation in the brain drastically, thus increasing the risk of suffering a stroke. Nerves in the blood vessels will begin to experience shrinkage or pinched simultaneously. If this is the case, then it would be able to block the supply of blood, nutrients and oxygen to the brain and inhibits the brain's ability to heal itself faster.
Thus some of the adverse effects of stress on the brain. As the only car separately to avoid stress is to avoid things that you membaut tense and depressed. Begin control and kendailkan yourself and believe you can do and through any problems you face.


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