Saturday 23 January 2016

s6 Mistakes First Aid Frequently Do

6 Mistakes In First Aid

First Aid tips

First Aid

What we know about first resource measures, derived from past practices or old humans stated. Whilst there that says you have to pour the liquid hydrogen peroxide to above the knees are scratched, you believe it.

Maybe now it is time not just trust in what the parable and start to take note of a relied on source inclusive of Nici Singletary, MD, FACEP, member of the american crimson pass medical Advisory Council. He defined keselahan list of the first aid that had been circulating extensively in the community.

1. Do not pull splinters out

Contrary to popular belief, your body will not encourage any flake out on their own. The longer you leave it, the harder serpiihan was issued. "If you're waiting for him out on his own, which happened just debris that absorb moisture your body and the more closely attached and difficult lifted," said Singletary.
The same applies to the notion that a paste of baking soda will draw out splinters. All this, according to Singletary, it adds extra moisture your skin and make wood chips risky split again inside.
It is best you take tweezers and trying to remove debris that enters your skin, immediately. Singletary warned that broken glass or metal, as wood, require medical treatment.

2. Looked up to stop a nosebleed

This is a very wrong action because it can cause the blood to the throat when you tilt the head back. You swallow the blood, upset your stomach, and vomiting.
"When you vomit, blood that arises is," Singletary said. "It makes people fear that there is something wrong with them."
But, even if you do not throw up, tilting your head back to have another consequence. When blood goes into the throat, which means that blood does not come out of the nose, and you think that the bleeding had stopped but it is not.
Best is you sit with the body slightly leaning forward, push the nose with the fingers about five to 10 minutes, then remove the finger and check if the bleeding has stopped.
Singletary warned that anyone taking blood-thinning medication, should be careful with any type of bleeding. You should see a doctor immediately if if the bleeding does not stop after 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Membalurkan alcohol into the body of the fever.

This is a dangerous mistake. "Alcohol is a toxic substance. There are many reports of children in a coma due to alcohol poisoning," said Singletary. Alcohol not only makes the children sick, adults can also experience it. 
"Alcohol evaporates quickly, and evaporation makes your skin feel cool," said Singletary. "That's why cool the fever of the body with the aid of alcohol become very popular."
In fact, alcohol does not affect your body's core temperature and can not relieve the fever. Instead, alcohol is absorbed into the skin and can cause poisoning.
If fever, Singletary advise you to rest, consume plenty of water and painkillers if needed.

4. Pour hydrogen peroxide into an open wound

Most of us, when scratched and injured knee, the first thing to do is to take a liquid hydrogen peroxide and poured it into the wound. The liquid then react blup blup blup and we believe it is a sign that the bacteria are dead. Is not it so? This is wrong.
Hydrogen peroxide damaging your network, "said Singletary. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down the cell walls. Thus flagship liquid that kills bacteria while damaging the surrounding tissue. As a result, the process becomes slow wound healing or wound may become worse.
The most well do you do when the injured body part was washing with soap and water taps. Pressure from the tap will help remove dirt while soap will help sterilize wounds.

5. Put the butter on burns

Explanation this time not only the butter alone but also other oily substances such as petroleum jelly and antibiotic ointment. Oil layer will cover the skin and slows its ability to release heat, causing greater damage.
The best way to treat burns is cool it with cold running water for 20 minutes, not just 30 seconds. After that, keep the burn area to keep them dry. That means no ointment and no bandages.  
Singletary recommend that you cover the burn with a thin plastic plaster porous and sterile. This allows the burns heal in a dry environment, while protecting it from infectious germs.

6. Using a finger to remove dirt from the eye

When there is dust or dirt gets in your eyes, what's your first reaction?Rubbing the eye with a finger? We know that it was wrong. Rubbing the eyes with the fingers will cause the dirt to move and scratch the surface of the eye.
Remove dirt on the fingers as well as bad. Hands are the body parts most berkuman. Germs that will easily fit into the eye and cause an infection.
Instead, rinse your eyes under tap water or with a special saline solution eye until it feels better.
Eyes sprayed chemicals? Wash with running water for at least 15 minutes with the head tilted to the side so that the water of the affected eye chemicals do not fall into the other eye. 
Singletary also recommend that you contact a medical officer to find out what kinds of chemicals that go into your eyes and if you need further medical treatment.


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