Saturday, 9 January 2016

Overview of Liver Diseases, Symptoms, Causes, And Prevention!

Overview of Liver Diseases, Symptoms, Causes, And Prevention!

S ost of you may have heard about the health problems that about liver disease, which is a medical disorder that affects one organ is the liver (liver). The liver is one of the organs that have an important role, in which he served as neutralizing a toxin from the remnants of the metabolism. Well, the information related to the liver or liver is very important to us. Because with this information we are able to keep all the health of diverse diseases in our bodies, one of which is the health problems related to the liver. On this occasion we will share information about all sorts associated with heart disease, ranging from causes to how to cope.

Overview of Liver Diseases, Symptoms, Causes, And Prevention!
Illustration liver disease (liver) © Shutterstock

About Liver Disease

Previously, the need to know beforehand about liver disease or liver itself. Well, this heart disease is one disease and health problems caused by damage to cells, which damages the liver can affect the function of which is to neutralize the poison. Thus there was a disturbance that resulted in one or the patient is in poor health. This disease usually occurs during inflammation caused by hepatitis, buildup of cholesterol, bile flow is blocked, and liver tissue damaged by the effects of the use of chemical substances

Symptoms Occur on Penderitan Liver Disease

The symptoms usually occur in people who will be affected by liver disease or liver it is, among other things nauseous and had diarrhea. Then change the color of urine than usual, which is where the urine becomes more turbidity and dark chocolate. In addition, the joints will ache. And appetite suddenly decreases, and eventually the body becomes weak and easily tired. After that, the gut will also experience pains and changes the color of eyes and skin color to yellow. When the symptoms above start to look at yourself, then you should immediately consulted a doctor.

Causes of Heart Disease

Well, the symptoms mentioned above are not possible without the accompanying cause. Well,
the cause of the liver disease is largely due to lifestyle and unhealthy eating patterns. Unhealthy lifestyle that can cause liver disease such as activity too much, but the long rest less. rarely exercise, heavy smoking, and consumption of alcoholic beverages, eating foods high in cholesterol and fat too often, and often in highly polluted areas that led to the effects of free radicals in the body.

Heart or Liver Diseases

Liver disease, there are several types with different symptoms depending on each type. The liver has an important role for the body of a person, which is where he is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, saving energy, cholesterol, and enzymes in the blood and hormones. Thus, when the heart is experiencing little interference automatically parts of other organs will participate germs, bacteria, and toxins. liver disease itself is divided into several types, namely hepatitis A, B, C, E, F, and G. From all kinds of disorders of the liver disease is most common in the types of hepatitis A and hepatitis B.

Swollen Liver Disease

However, there are also other diseases that still has something to do with the liver organ swollen liver disease or commonly referred to as fatty liver. This occurs because the type of disease as a result of the accumulation of fat in liver cells, and the landfill is causing the liver is not functioning optimally. This type of liver disease is triggered by the presence of obesity or that we are familiar with excessive weight, people with diabetes, consumption of soft drinks is too many, the side effects of drugs, and protein deficiency.

Disturbances in liver or liver organ when getting worse, then it will develop chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and even up into the liver. Cirrhosis is a condition where the addition of a network that is the connective tissue. With the addition of these networks will be much reduced liver function. In addition, other side effects and no less dangerous as a result of the malfunctioning of the liver is that kidney failure. When it until the final condition, then that can be done is a life-saving liver donor patient.

Liver Disease Prevention Method

Because the liver disease is a chronic health problem that is difficult to cure, it helps if we all move together maintaining health and preventing early. As for how this liver disease prevention can be done by maintaining the lifestyle and eating habits in daily life. Well, so our discussion this time is about heart disease. Hopefully useful and hopefully always given the health of the Almighty.


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